Title: Wu 44 need merge with Wu50 :lol [Print this page] Author: jon21 Time: 2016-3-28 22:07 Title: Wu 44 need merge with Wu50 :lol Hi..gm Chen please We wu 44 miss muqua so much (aka BrownJosep ) comeback to us so we think he so powerfull for Wu..so please merger again s44 to s50 ... Thanks youAuthor: Tcottulysse Time: 2016-3-29 08:53
Jon does that mean elizabeth2000 will come too ? Author: sun.quan Time: 2016-3-29 08:57
That only joking...wu no need merge, btw who is elisabeth2000?Author: Tcottulysse Time: 2016-3-29 09:32
I don t have a clue but seems as a female player Author: shahin Time: 2016-3-29 13:52
lol..... the funniest joke ever.... WU s44 dun want merger right now....Author: shahin Time: 2016-3-29 13:54
Tcottulysse replied at 2016-3-29 08:53
Jon does that mean elizabeth2000 will come too ?
toctt bro u can open a a second acc in s50 u can find her/him/.... lol
we dun recognize her lolAuthor: Doe Time: 2016-3-30 04:18
Funny Jon21. Come to 50 if ever bored in s.44 ;)Author: Doe Time: 2016-3-30 04:21
As for Sun. You will be always repected as best Cotk Teamplayer!
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