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Title: Full Immu vs. Savior suit [Print this page]

Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-4-10 20:38
Title: Full Immu vs. Savior suit
Hi guys, I want to ask whether Savior suit has the same final negation rate as Full Imunity set or is weaker in Immu effect. The suit adds + 8% final negation rate byť has only 4 full immu equip. So basically it is a question of whether this adjustment equals two other full immu equip effect.

Author: ramboo    Time: 2016-4-10 22:56
Have no rights to answer since i own none of above
Author: greenharle    Time: 2016-4-11 13:17
i have patron suit but the troops is less than dragon suit.it means the basic equips from dragon not counted at patron suit.maybe same problem when u use full immu or savior suit
Author: smithyphoeb    Time: 2016-4-11 14:24
Patron need upgrade with more scroll for his stars, very expensive.
Author: Boobob    Time: 2016-4-11 15:04
Hi Corvinus. I did a test in the trial tower. 6 full immu equipment vs 5 full immu equipment + 3% final negation rate (from Star Atlas). Assuming 1 full immu equals 4% final negation rate, the second scenario is slightly weaker than our assumption by 1% final negation rate. The results: 1st scenario, my general survived till the 2nd npc general, 3rd row. 2nd scenario, my general only survived till the 2nd npc general, 1st row. I sent only Guo Jia to make sure that the results will not be affected by NPC's Skill attack.

In my opinion, I think it is difficult to determine whether 2 full immu equipment exactly equals 8% final negation rate as with the Savior Suit, you will also get +200 Attack, +120 Defense, +480 Troops & not forgetting the effects of 2 ironwall equipment. I am sure that those stats will definitely affect the outcome...
Author: ChrisLim    Time: 2016-4-11 16:10
1 full immune set (6 immune equipments)
Basic Attributes: Attack+270, Defense+90, Troops+720, Immunity/Negation Rate+??%

Savior Suit
Ultimate Attributes: Attack+470, Defense+210, Troops+1200, Final Negation Rate+8% (The basic attributes are included)

If GM can explain a full immune set equal to how many % negation rate, then is very clear to us which one is better.
Author: Sbs    Time: 2016-4-12 13:16
immu suit better if normal attack . but if got skill by opponent then savior is better . so basiccly i will choose immu set than saviour.
Author: Aris3479    Time: 2016-4-12 15:02
Hi corvi,
u cant compare it.
because savior have additional att, def & troops.

But if u asking which one best, i would go for savior.
immu set on trial, cost me dmg around 300.
savior only cost me around 70.
test it on my liubei.
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2016-4-12 21:52
savior much better
Author: Evangeline    Time: 2016-4-20 19:27
full immune set was better vs instance/npc
Author: redz225    Time: 2016-4-22 18:37
Edited by redz225 at 2016-4-22 18:39

I think full immu ,(6 hidden equip) better than savior suit.
Savior suit 4 immu hidden get final negotation 8% not bad but....2 hidden immu in 1 set equip immu more than final negotation +8%.
Dont make savior suit if only have 1 set immu hehehe....i
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-5-30 22:21
Thanks guys for sharing information, it seems I won´t purchase the suit.

@red - how can you be sure that 2 pieces of hidden immu are more than final negation + 8%? Basically I was hoping someone gives me clue on how many % of FNR one hidden immu  piece is, but you only stated its higher. Do you know the rate for 5555 Immu equip ?

Author: PercyMarsh    Time: 2016-5-31 14:22
i prefer savior.. It increase your overall atk def troops stats which i feel cover up the 2 immu.

Author: LakeBen    Time: 2016-5-31 21:18
full immu is better for npc / inst, i tried
but i think saviour is better on arena..
i have both
Author: s.o.b    Time: 2016-6-3 21:22
Still confuse

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