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Title: The strong getting stronger & the weak getting weaker [Print this page]

Author: Aris3479    Time: 2016-4-15 17:07
Title: The strong getting stronger & the weak getting weaker
Dear GM,
Do you notice since u upgrade this game with star, chariot, etc.. the gap between the strong with the weak is getting further?

Pls do something to make the player more competitive, because RC wont help for mid & low lv id..

My suggestion, since u have launch chariot, u can lower the resource for polish arma & echan hc..

since u have launch super & god suit, u can lower the price for ordinary suit.

i do understand some must keep for hi lv vip.. but pls u can do something for ur free player or mid & low lv id..

if the player more competitive, i think there will be more & more player will join the game..

i do realize u have give ur best like giving us with so many free voucher/resource event.. but it wont help the low & mid lv id.. because no matter how many they get, the hi lv will have more..

and 1 more thing, pls note it down..
in every merge, u always merge player with lv 75 above..
do you ever think is it normal? especially when u merge old/mature server..
even in s50/S52, do u think it is normal?
pls discuss with ur team.. u must have standard for lowest lv id for each server based on server age..


Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2016-4-15 18:25
We will not change the resources needed in game, no matter it is ordinary suits or armaments since there are players who obey and follow this for a long time and the price adjustment is a harm to benefits of other players.
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-4-15 18:50
Wuik mukae gm meringis sampe kumis keliatan garang
Author: Aris3479    Time: 2016-4-15 19:00
Dear Chen,
u missunderstand..

I didnt suggest u to do any harm to benefits of other player.
But i'm asking u to help free player and low lv vip to be more competitive.

Like u did on iron reclam.. it really does help them so much..
every hi vip do know how much it cost to max arma lv..
but no one complaint when u make iron resource so easy to get..

Pls dont make the gap even further.. VIP came from free player.. more free player, more VIP u get..
pls consider it..

best regards,
Author: donjuan    Time: 2016-4-16 09:58
Survival of the fittest bro.
Fittest here means whoever spent more will become stronger.

Btw, ur idea will also backfired.
When armamaent polish etc price lowered, those who already high spender will also benefit from it.
U will easier get stronger than now, but they also get stronger faster than you.

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