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Title: S47 & 48 need one more merger to balance the game [Print this page]

Author: Nightwise    Time: 2016-4-17 16:19
Title: S47 & 48 need one more merger to balance the game
Dear GM,

   I would like you to reconsider s47 & s48 with one more merger. The fact is that Wei is getting weaker and can't compete with Wu or Shu due to the lack of players in Wei and some Wei now are leaving ( many of Wei strongest ). All I want is a good gaming moment where we can compete with every side that is evenly matched but unfortunately after merger Wei is totally dead. I know we must fight to the end but the end has no end!
   I feel terrible seeing Wei crumble and succumb to defeat like that.....please revive Wei before it's become a walking dead country.

Author: Whalr    Time: 2016-4-20 05:27
I think lion have already cried becuase of the merge, now if we merge again, he will cry a river. the grass is no longer green for shu. hang in there bro, it will get better.
Author: raihan    Time: 2016-4-21 09:33
Wei realy need help to much ppl on wu after merger worse whit shu to please merger ASAP
Author: Lord-Visal    Time: 2016-4-21 09:51
Wei need help...May Day...May Day....Reinforcements...We need reinforcements....
Author: orangurus    Time: 2016-4-21 12:02
Woi...give me back my id....ign bocahnakal was stolen...

how shame...cant paly well and take sortcut with hack ur friend id

Author: Nightwise    Time: 2016-4-21 13:21
Shu blackmailed Shu? since merger I got so headache with Shu......always auto off...even though they attacking us but that's not our problem who stole ur id coz we are not Shu but hope u can find urs and spot the thief and kill him just kidding

Author: azzzz    Time: 2016-4-21 14:35
maybe u server better to merger with s49, wei is very strong there.
Author: Nightwise    Time: 2016-4-21 23:05
Yes I agree...heard that Wei is good there...and they're not too far behind s47 & s48....but the decision is on GM...hope he can revive Wei in s47 & s48 by providing them with one more merger fast with server that Wei is the Boss! so that we will have a good fight with Shu and Wu which they have many people active...
Author: bejo    Time: 2016-4-21 23:10
no, merger with s44 still the best choice.......
Author: Whalr    Time: 2016-4-22 03:16
Edited by Whalr at 2016-4-22 03:20

before the merge, shu was already upset that the merge idea was brought up. then a civil war broke out within their disney kingdom. small clans were formed. Legends was born in Wu...known as FieldKitty Kat and the sidekick MuShu the dragon of Mulan. shu took it like childrens of the crop, day and night, Lion cried "Who is the King here, me or you?.". the intelligent Shu players responded "you are the king sir Lion, and for that, this is your life, this is your kingdom, this is your world. we have a life out of the game, what life do you have?. you are the king of shu...eat it and let us know what it taste like in a kingdom without players. go kick rock dumbas$. or we'll quit.". Lion did not hesitate and responded "I dont care if you leave, once king is always king. who needs players when we have clones?.".

as you can see. King of shu is now IronRod. I guess its a Lion joke?. While MuShu and FieldKitty was having popcorn and 3D glasses watching the show from a side. Ohh Wu so sexy...

Author: Nightwise    Time: 2016-4-22 10:37
Good story...bro...you're good
Author: Doe    Time: 2016-4-22 10:47
you can merge S.55!!!!
Author: danidral    Time: 2016-5-22 01:05
Dont forget about the legendary wu S47, like chode, obelisX, Asterix, Hakiyu, Senggolbaa, n Mariaklaus, They are awesome too lol
Author: danidral    Time: 2016-5-22 05:00
And Mr bejo, merger with s44, dont make me laugh, all of you, cantiq slave wants shu overdominated again wu n wei  dont you?
Author: Whalr    Time: 2016-5-22 10:20
Hats off for the s47 Wu...shu are now flippers not slippers. cause one can flip from one account to another during event is a skill no words can describe but "WOW...BOW WOW...WOOF...RUFF RUFF"...LMAO Kitty where you at?...who lets the dogs out?...
Author: PondanG    Time: 2016-5-26 08:53
GM, We need more food to survive

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