Heyshell Games Forum

Title: s47 & s48 need one more merger to balance the game [Print this page]

Author: Nightwise    Time: 2016-4-17 21:17
Title: s47 & s48 need one more merger to balance the game
Dear GM,

   I would like you to reconsider s47 & s48 with one more merger. The fact is that Wei is getting weaker and can't compete with Wu or Shu due to the lack of players in Wei and some Wei now are leaving ( many of Wei strongest ). All I want is a good gaming moment where we can compete with every side that is evenly matched but unfortunately after merger Wei is totally dead. I know we must fight to the end but the end has no end!
   I feel terrible seeing Wei crumble and succumb to defeat like that.....please revive Wei before it's become a walking dead country.

PM : sorry I've posted this topic in two places. Hope you don't mind. coz I thought Game Discussion is not the right place.

Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2016-4-18 10:02
Thanks for your suggestion, we noted down for further consideration.
Author: Lord-Visal    Time: 2016-4-19 18:28
We need more Wei....

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