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Title: Possible server merger 49 and 51 [Print this page]

Author: JaceGG88    Time: 2016-4-25 10:25
Title: Possible server merger 49 and 51
Dear GM

I have heard rumours that s49 and s51 may merge, and for the balance of the server (also to retain active players), I hope this is not  true.

From what I hear, s49 wu / wei has a secret alliance. s51 wu / wei are also allied and every siege, dispatch / harvest event, they trade cities in a more friendly manner than 2 guys in a relationship.

It is rather cringeworthy, if we combine 2 servers where both wu / wei are allied, it is going to encourage a lot of players to quit.

s51 Shu have had to put up with the wu / wei relationship ever since server opened, and if this merger is true and s49 wu / wei alliance is also true, it will certainly not be any fun playing this game going forward.

I trust GM will make the right decision in server merge and consider this whole alliance BS.


Author: youyou    Time: 2016-4-25 20:22
haha just merge and quit brother!
Author: azzzz    Time: 2016-4-26 00:56
s49 wei never allied with s49 wu
Author: arif123    Time: 2016-4-27 00:01
yeah i agree with him, and other reason is s49 and s51 its to far different power,
so many player at s 51 will be quit because didnt have chance to do something anymore

please hear us
Author: Doe    Time: 2016-4-27 08:30
S.49 has no Shu. S.49 is Clash of two Kingdoms!  lol
Author: Doe    Time: 2016-4-27 08:36
Best Idea for S.49 is merger S.44. haha
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2016-4-27 18:18
Appreciated for your advice. This has been recorded and we'll take that seriously.
Author: Zhunge    Time: 2016-4-27 22:13
Dear Jaceg,
You are here to whine for a merge that we don't know if will happen with which server or when it will take place.
Now about s51 nations balance.
Wei has less manpower than shu and wu almost equal to shu not exactly the same.
Shu used clones from day4 of s51 also you have spies who we already know and that's the bad thing about shu at s51.
Let's talk about the diplomacy at s51 since you have a problem with that.
If you are a huge fan of 3kingdoms you should already know that many times the nations combined their forces to fight a common enemy.
As a king of Wei at s51 i had to do my best to ensure 1st the survival of my people and 2nd the balance of the server and i admit that the alliance i made with Wu proved the best choice i made.
Now let's check and make some questions of those you wrote above.
1st question
If Wei and Wu were that strong as you mentioned and they give each other points at events how shu managed to upgrade their country first at lvl 5 dear Jaceg???
2nd question
What would happen to s51 if me and wu king didn't have this alliance?

I will finish this reply dear Jaceg telling you this,
At games you lose or win.You have to learn to lose in order to win though.
Yours frindly,
King of wei s51
Author: JaceGG88    Time: 2016-4-28 12:30
Dear Mino,

Thanks for your reply.
You are incorrect in saying the term whine. I've stated it was a rumour. this was simply an idea for GM to take into account when merging our server.
Agreed Shu has more active players right now and that's what a server merge should try and do is balance all nations without anyone being severely OP. and alliance between 2 nations does make it extremely hard for Shu now. so what would happen if 2 servers merged where both wu and wei are in alliance?

As king of wei, you have made the right decision to ally with wu in the beginning. We aren't in dispute with that. I believe you have failed to grasp the point of the thread - this is about moving forward and making sure that we do not have a situation where one country is absolutely fked over.

I've come from a server where 2 overwhelmingly strongest would be sitting in 50% capital of shu all the time and no getting out of it ever. No such thing as iron harvest.

We accept losing. We would ideally love to have 3 balanced nations with no alliance and where fights are happening every border of 3 countries. I'm sure this is the intended goal of the GM - not where 1 is being ganged up on.

Think about this Mino, when server merge, will you break alliance with Wu if Wu became overwhelmingly strong and Shu was the weakest?? or would you continue having alliance with them and make it a server where Shu is not playable?


Author: Zhunge    Time: 2016-4-28 16:09
Dear Jaceg,
I love server balance because that means that the server will live longer and we benefit from this because this game is awesome and i want this game to stay alive for many many years.
You have my word that if i see something that change the balance of the server i will be the 1st that i will try to fix it (if i can of course).
I did it at the early days of our server when cuttie was your king and the clones did not allow you to play.
As for now i will honor and respect the deal i have with wu since they honor and respect the deal too and this is why i will keep up that deal.
With respect,

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