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Title: why s49 merger with s38 not with s44 ? [Print this page]

Author: bejo    Time: 2016-4-27 16:50
Title: why s49 merger with s38 not with s44 ?
dear gm, why s49 merger with s38, not with s44 ?
its almost 11 months between both server starts....
its really not balance i guess...
tq, wei- s46...
Author: OMIEKU    Time: 2016-4-27 18:26
I dont play in this server, but i must say this is ridiculous lol, server merger 4-5 server diff is still considerable, but 11 server diff is just crazy
Author: rebbelion    Time: 2016-4-27 18:32
Dear Chen.
Hey GM .. are you drunk ? We merge with 38 . It crazy !!!!
If with 47 . 50 or 51 we can still accept thats. But your giving us s38 .
This is fukin ridiculous....  this merger only make s49 all country get dies.
Cos now we in our lvl cant compete and to hard for getting killing. Not going fun anymore and
thanks for take our money so much ! But we all dissapointed with ur decision.
All my friends agree for uninstall this game. So no more $$$ for u cotk team.
Author: MengDzte    Time: 2016-4-27 18:40
Totally agree 100%, everyone dissapointed using dianwei  dealing with all kings hero ridiculous. S49 only become meatbun for s38 no more game
Author: roxii    Time: 2016-4-27 18:49
No matter how you think GM, this is absolutely not fair. 11 Server difference is insane. If you launch one new server 2 months, it means 22 months difference in time which is Ridiculously insane to play. We are not talking about 2-4 server difference here. 11 SERVER DIFFERENCE! GM Reconsider this decision. S45 even not merged yet you merged 49 with 38 is outrage.
Author: Yandi    Time: 2016-4-27 20:00
True true, better merge with s44, we will give all wei brother in arms big hug & welcome party
Author: Rico19816    Time: 2016-4-27 20:52
u just see 1 ppl at rank 1 with lvl 138..
you all S49 need beware with IGN : Khaje S38 shu..he really have the good gen, stronggest and also have 3 herbits + 2 lantern..

he not catch up rank 1 cause he said, he dont like rank 1 arena..

Author: shahin    Time: 2016-4-27 22:56
guys yandi, bejo do u know s38? this is another shu dominating server... u want another merger with shu dominating server... lol
if u guys can take it we hv nothing to say......... lol
Author: Tcottulysse    Time: 2016-4-27 23:49
Why with s 44 ? what should be normal is s 50 or s 49 .
Author: donjuan    Time: 2016-4-28 05:43
Heyyy look at the bright side,
S38 included in elite tourney.
If u play and win, u can earn up to 2000vcr, if lose probably up to 1000vcr.
Not bad huh.
If server quest expedition, u can also earn lots of vcr and built ur army cos s38 has many active players.

This is a good merger.

Of course good only for SHU49
Shu 49, come back and play again, u will outsmart wei49 in no time.
Author: roxii    Time: 2016-4-28 15:11
You still cannot bear the lose at 44 and wanna bring wei strong server here? Why not merge 44 with 45? So maritimus can skin you alive hikhik.
Author: azzzz    Time: 2016-4-28 22:03
valynita and jaguar will laugh of loud with this merger
Author: +美人计+    Time: 2016-4-29 01:34
Edited by +美人计+ at 2016-4-29 02:04
azzzz replied at 2016-4-28 22:03
valynita and jaguar will laugh of loud with this merger

I am laughing loud every day when I hear only wei49 complaining. The more wei49 cry "OUTRAGE" about it everyday, the louder I laugh daily. It seems like OUTRAGE is the only word they know. Without fail I will see wei49 complaining daily. From clone they have turn themselves to clowns. In the circus, a clown's job is to make people laugh daily. Wei49 had now succeded in becoming the clown for all in shu49. Not only Princess Val or jaguar will laugh loud but all shu49, retired or active, will be entertained by our new clowns.

It does not end in the forum shu49. You will be laughing every day form the first day or merger. Each day you don't see dragonz and his minions, you will be laughing at their cowardice. Have a happy time in your new home shu49.

Heyyy look at the bright side,
S38 included in elite tourney.
If u play and win, u can earn up to 2000vcr, if lose probably up to 1000vcr.
Not bad huh.
If server quest expedition, u can also earn lots of vcr and built ur army cos s38 has many active players.

This is a good merger.

Of course good only for SHU49
Shu 49, come back and play again, u will outsmart wei49 in no time.

Ahh this give me good reason to join the merger. I will probably learn some tricks from shu38 king.

Author: feicia    Time: 2016-8-12 21:01
Edited by feicia at 2016-8-12 21:05

late comment from me lol, well i don't care which server im going to merge, just finish my daily KFC, i don't even care at the first time join s49 server either its going to beat down or not,just doing normal rc when event RC and wasting my time if im not busy. merged with s38 well i dunno why game dev. did that BUT i know its game dev. privileges policy and we all know there is nothing we can do bout it. but once again i dun really care, its just a few bucks for RC and being middle vip and it wont hurt me. i dun take the game so seriously and do arguments like spoil kids, i just stop RC yes i admit it, i reduce my time to play, yes i admit it too, im back to my old server..yes i did that, because there is no point to go ahead and RC in this server, to catch up with dudes on s38 with money, its not good idea for me tho, BUT the bright side is, i just do auto to mianzhu until my KFC full and suddenly i gain more exp coz fast died, they cant, why? coz they kill easily even they on 50% area, im more think game dev. did this merge to slow them down. plus its easy to tease them ego (well not every shu lol), true story : near event i cant take the cities (because its gonna be defense side), my KFC not full (just online) plus that day there is last day for drop event and i was super duper busy at real life, i came this great idea bout teasing their ego(high position, had high ego), i just taunt them to come, i sit at city gate, set auto fight, shadows, 30 mnts my KFC full, i got almost 300 drops, got over 5m exp, they happy, im happy lol.
so what im trying to say is there is a bright side even in the darkest moment, we just have to see on different angle, before merger my lvl below 115, now 121, with less time to play, so be happy and try to enjoy the game. GBU

Brucelee - Wei49

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