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Title: For All Spies in Shu S.47-48 [Print this page]

Author: CantiQ    Time: 2016-5-2 17:23
Title: For All Spies in Shu S.47-48
My fellow spies in shu s.47-48 as u see my vip now..
Lucky u can RC much on u r Main id in u r country..but plzz you dont need to insult me even with a bad words for a woman..n whether women should not play COTK?

Author: LadyWEi    Time: 2016-5-2 18:13
Well Lad, Go to hell with their opinions, why should you care bout it? have u ever tried to pay ur bill with opinions?? dont waste ur time,thingking bout such thing, or arguing with them. we cant put a flower in A*****E and call it a Vase isn't?

I knew some great lads from previous server such EmpressWu-S35,Cherry Lin-S35, Meishi-S35, and many others including my adversaries from Shu and Wu 45.

We're playing for fun. whoever they are, wether Gals,Guys,gays and even Nongpoy are equal in this game

Only two things that can change our world

1. He said " I LOVE YOU

Author: Nightwise    Time: 2016-5-2 18:36
Edited by Nightwise at 2016-5-2 18:53

I guess Shu is the one who mostly goes haywire in world chat insulting and swearing everyone...Now they are tasting their own medicine...for that crazy Machao777 he's like a dog barking in a cage...I've been playing in s47 but never one I saw s47 goes haywire on world chat insulting anyone, we were playing with peace and understanding, even though everyone wanted to win. But since merger arrived, everything changed. When Wei decided to join force with Wu to destroy Shu's bots and that auto off things, Shu insulted them as Wu's dog guards both in PM and on world chat. But in fact Wu and Wei are trying to help each other out as and old foes and friends and it's called Diplomacy, because Wei is dying bit by bit losing many players because of Shu's arrogance. And guess what Wu is full of reasonable people including Chode FieldKitty Hakiyu Sengolbaa and many more...etc. And I'm glad Wei King made the right decision. And tell those Shu's players...respect others!
Author: +美人计+    Time: 2016-5-3 04:46
Edited by +美人计+ at 2016-5-3 04:48

Well people who say women should not play cotk are men who are jealous that women can do better. Why get upset over it to the extend that you need to open a thread on it, cantiQ? The world had changed a long time ago, tante. These men are a minority today. Cheers tante. Bash them up and make them scream and you can laugh at them. You are always beautiful (cantik) and they can't stand it when you bash them up, wkkwkwkw.
Author: MsKitty    Time: 2016-5-3 07:52
you would be surprised how many women do play COTk and i'm one of them too, the problem isn't your gender, its how you present yourself on game that makes people dislike what you do and dislike all of shu as a whole even though there are a few good people on shu.  For one think at S48 before the merge, everything was fine as long as your shu auto off armies kept the map completely green, Wei or WU couldn't even half the time ever leave their own land because of shu.  When 3 or even a couple times, 4 iron mines pops up for the harvest thing, shu as greedy as they are had to take every single one of them, and yeah your gonna say, its part of the game, and your right it is, but really, before the merge it was what? 20 shu players to 1 WU player?  Don't you think that is why we merged?  and now after the merge, the auto off thing 24/7 is rediculous, i can see doing it for events because your defending your city seiges and stuff but come off it already, some people have only a couple hours to play this game a day because of work or family or other things, and we are stuck with your armies off auto off id's and it takes 8 or more hours just to get daily quests and chests done, and then you wonder why shu is so hated? you said to me once your auto off is for tactic LOL what kind of tactic? oh yeah you said against G.Jia LMAO well its funny you all auto off and do skill when the countdown is over anyways, so i call bullshit on your tactic reasoning.  I never complain, i just like to come on and enjoy myself but it seems that now your getting butt hurt?  Well is that because on S48 you outnumbered us so badly that your non vip accounts got stronger then people that spent thousands on this game because you can farm iron and exp 24/7?  Well now that we merge you can't do that no more LOL now look who's complaining.  As long as you cam log on and sit at Donxing and whatever its fine but now you might have to work a bit and so your trying to turn this around like you are the victum?  I had to put up with months of shu laughing at me and WU and putting us down but i stuck it out through it all and you guys even after the merge still balance out in numbers so i don't know what your complaining about.  Maybe its that you can't get your free iron and exp 24/7 no more.
Author: Whalr    Time: 2016-5-3 09:42
im not going to waste my time for you people crying and being insulted...bottom line, it takes one to know one. what spy are u talking about?...BELLJIM? which is shu top rank player?...im not going to even mention names, but why was CantiQ using Lexx's account?...what does VIP has to do with anything?. are u throwing it in as a bonus?...speaking of insulting?, who started this mess?...go ask your beloved Lion King and that belljim aka machao777 that has a few accounts in in every nation saying FUKk wu this and fukk Wu that...everything happens for a reason...not only that we got our mine robbed. that shu mighty lion had to add salt into injury about "Pechang? WuWu azul? haha go try". i dont hold a grude, cause i know when the time comes, you shu will pay 10x worse. Sorry to say this, but this game is misleading, Lion is surely not a female, but why is his arena avatar a girl?. same goes for the rest of the CantiQ followers. before the merge, when the game was unbalanced as hell, i dont see you shu players crying. and all u do is brag of how power ranger shu is so powerful.

If u didnt call WEI a gard dog for Chode, I think your realationship with Wei will be better. Who's fault is it that keeps yelling and screaming on every event?.

Spies?...i laugh in your face, hahaha if you treat your people/players right, and not being racist calling other players Viet Cong?. U fukk with one Vietnamese, u better be ready for a return. you don't just call Vietnamese people Viet Cong. If you want to be left alone, u better apologize to my friend Kai. otherwise this is not the end of this. Thanks to you, half of your shu nation had quit. dont u think something is wrong?. not only in the game for other nation but look in you own. Shu has mini groups doing their own thing. u think just because u are king u can do what u want?. u dont get to be king if the players dont let it be...Girl or guy in the game gets the same treatment. just because u say u are a girl i have to believe you?. who knows, u might could be like lion with a girl avatar....your action says alot of what the future will bring. being fake and flip things around like you are innocent does not call justice for your own action. thats called being ignorant and lame. Like Kitty said, DONT BE GREEDY...hahah now u know how it feels like to not have iron night after night?. Don't cry, dry your eyes.


I don't care whos spying where. you can spy on me when i shower, take a shiet, changing. i dont give a care. im just sexy like that.

High Five Kitty...you are spot on.
Author: Whalr    Time: 2016-5-3 09:47
BTW why is machao777 always talking about penis? and mouth?...thats all he thinks about?...well, this is a gaming place, not a gay porn place. he shuold keep his penis mind to himself. that is not game related. since cantiq is his mom, cantiq shuould teach him better not to talk about that stuff freely like that cause it might turn machao777 on. who knows what a pervert can do whent they are turned on?...maybe do a LION Style?...
Author: Whalr    Time: 2016-5-3 09:52
Edited by Whalr at 2016-5-3 10:08

thats a C.png, what happen to the A-Z.png?....im sure there is more u have

bad words for a women?. a women should not insult other players and referring to them as DOGS!. if u cant take the heat, stay out of the kitchen!
Author: Tcottulysse    Time: 2016-5-3 10:28
how did you end up speaking about woman when the topic is spy ?
Author: MsKitty    Time: 2016-5-3 11:36
Tcottulysse replied at 2016-5-3 10:28
how did you end up speaking about woman when the topic is spy ?

ask the person who started this thread, they called it spy but say something about them being a woman or something, i really don't see anything in this thread about spies.
Author: Tcottulysse    Time: 2016-5-3 11:52
I like strong player woman or man not really a problem. Except  i try to lure on one on one all female warrior and auto off ..
Author: Whalr    Time: 2016-5-3 12:46
the person who cried woof....who let the dogs out?...woof woof woof woof...yes im barking...im mocking someone...

Author: Master-Pan    Time: 2016-5-3 13:05
anyone who has never played in s48 should learn more before cmting here. we who have played in s48 know what is going on in the server. now that shu can't get the free cake and starts complaining is really funny. come on this is just the beginning and u can't endure the pain already?
Author: Whalr    Time: 2016-5-3 13:12
Edited by Whalr at 2016-5-3 13:17

master-pan helped me get sexy with refining...im so sexy now, ohhh god...speaking of god, GOD MADE COKE....GOD MADE PEPSI.....GOD MADE WU AND WEI BORN SO SEXY...GOD MADE SHU UGLY CAUSE OF LION AND CANTIQ
Author: shahin    Time: 2016-5-3 14:29
few month ago i saw a thered Cantiq acc was blocked by GM cause she use clones... lol she told she use only 10 not more then that....
Author: Tcottulysse    Time: 2016-5-3 15:49
Yeah CantiQ way to go girl ...
Author: bejo    Time: 2016-5-3 20:40
so, topic this thread is about ' women spy ?'

Author: Whalr    Time: 2016-5-3 22:28
the girl who cried spy...told machao777 the spy who cried penis in his mouth to go to wu as belljim to talk about more penis....is that all this dude talk about?...he even sing a song by freak nasty:

I put my hand upon your hip
When I dip you dip we dip
You put your hand upon my hip
When you dip I dip we dip
I put my hand upon your hip
When I dip you dip we dip
You put yours and I put mine
And we can get down low
And roll it round

Dude, what kind of guy will sing that to another guy?...im so disgusted of this cantiq and the follower machao
Author: MsKitty    Time: 2016-5-3 22:34
And CantiQ is saying that she was getting harrassed?  Maybe we should just screenshot the nonsense that shu is constantly telling us and then they come to cry on the forum like they are some kind of victum of something?  
Author: Tcottulysse    Time: 2016-5-4 15:36
bejo replied at 2016-5-3 20:40
so, topic this thread is about ' women spy ?'

Author: Lukav    Time: 2016-5-4 19:51
Wow chat So long
Author: Elizabeth2000    Time: 2016-5-11 15:52
*grabs popcorns watch show*

I thank all s47 and s48 members on behalf of the cotk staff for burning gold to spice up the world chat.
Author: Elizabeth2000    Time: 2016-5-11 15:58
Whalr replied at 2016-5-3 22:28
the girl who cried spy...told machao777 the spy who cried penis in his mouth to go to wu as belljim  ...

hmm sounds like he is your twin;same style lol
Author: Tcottulysse    Time: 2016-5-11 19:19
Elizabeth2000 replied at 2016-5-11 15:52
*grabs popcorns watch show*

I thank all s47 and s48 members on behalf of the cotk staff for burning ...

You still have popcorn ? can i join you ?
Author: bocahnakal    Time: 2016-5-12 09:38
Hohohohohoho........kitty was crying
Author: MsKitty    Time: 2016-5-12 10:06
bocahnakal replied at 2016-5-12 09:38
Hohohohohoho........kitty was crying

crying? lmao i was stating facts.  I don't cry over online games that aren't even really.  Besides, from all the posts that people made here you only say me?  lmao
Author: Elizabeth2000    Time: 2016-5-12 12:24
MsKitty replied at 2016-5-12 10:06
crying? lmao i was stating facts.  I don't cry over online games that aren't even really.  Besides ...

boys only irritate girls for a reason lol
Author: Tcottulysse    Time: 2016-5-12 15:55
Elizabeth2000 replied at 2016-5-12 12:24
boys only irritate girls for a reason lol

Girls are irritated by boys for another reasons right ?
Author: Whalr    Time: 2016-5-13 02:01
Edited by Whalr at 2016-5-13 02:03

Elizabeth...You like the show?, all i have to say is it takes one to know one, the only difference is Im sexy...Gold is the hardest to obtain on this game, it is the heart and blood that pumps thru ever beat of the atomic clock...without it, there would be no bank account for the cotk server to stay active...everyone has their way of spending gold, personally, using it to get stronger is not my style...but to piss people off and get them butt hurt is pure rude, ignorant, jackas$$ and etc...and as always, it impresses a memory into all players on the server. But I dont care what people think or how they feel...all i know is, i was an innocent WuWu when i first started in the game, as the day goes by, as sexy as I am...Lion got jealous and started talking shiet on the world channel thinking that he has the gold and fund to  only do world chat...he once said "WuWu, chat world battle" to me...and im like where the fukk is this Ligerland (Lion + Tiger + Lie-er + disneyland) who dared me to do world chat to burn gold?...I guess he aint got enough funding to actually do world chat freely...I admit, im just as dirty as the shu king and queer is...but i dont call people Viet Cong...hahaha (Btw, to those whom called me VC, how does it feel to get your a$$ kicked by a lower lvl VC?......Im in the bushes and awaiting to ambush you any minute now, be careful)...I actually like it...ohh im so sexy

bocanhnakal = little boy?...hahahah what are u crying about in here?...go to your orangutan thread and cry about your account being hacked, u have no place to speak here...did your mom cantiq tell you to avenge for her dirty little doing?...im the VC that u rather hate...what u gonna do?...come teach me something...go back to the disney kingdom where the lion sleeps tonight. In the jungle book, the tiger and the chimp are good friends...its a friendship of animals...that includes the loud as$ barking dog...so what happen?, you cried enough and got your account back?...I don't want to keep talking about a creature like you cause it will make me look bad for picking on a little kid...im done with you, learn to keep your mouth shut and you won't have to be on the hot spot...Botanical garden is pretty when setup properly...add a bonsai or two and it can become a wonderland of paradise...now go silently cry to your cantiq...and endure the pain together, maybe that can give u motivation and bound closer...

its hard to not be sexy around here....
Author: Elizabeth2000    Time: 2016-5-13 13:03
Nothing wrong with how u wanna use the gold and i agree cotk is successful in driving out the passion in everyone.

Some may take it too personally but most r just hot headed(or I just called it aggressively passionate) in a fit of moment.

Author: danidral    Time: 2016-5-22 01:32
Ahh, si cantiq serigala berbulu domba, pura2 lemah dengan sisi kewanitaannya,  main auto off ama clone, trus ngatain wu anjing peliharaanya si chode, lu kalau ngak mau dikata2in ama orang, introspeksi dulu dong.
Author: danidral    Time: 2016-5-22 01:50
mskitty = you are the best, wuwu = no one can beat your sexy aura, Cantiq and their follower = please introspection yourself. ObelisX
Author: Whalr    Time: 2016-5-22 10:22
Edited by Whalr at 2016-5-25 01:34

hahaha Hi ObelisX-traSexy, Hats off to all the Wu 47...RIP (Rest in Piss) to 48 Shu...We will miss you...
Author: Whalr    Time: 2016-5-22 10:38
Edited by Whalr at 2016-5-22 10:42
Elizabeth2000 replied at 2016-5-13 13:03
Nothing wrong with how u wanna use the gold and i agree cotk is successful in driving out the passio ...

of course, that is one's perspective...on a side note, if you were pined down knowning that the hands and feet are being tied up and can't do anything about it...it is just natural to start screaming, 1 - it may draw attention and the person respondsible for doing the pinning might get scared and run. 2 - it may do the same as 1. 3 - The voice might be heard from afar, and rescue may come. 4 - it is a way of retaliating when physically drained, but mentally it can do damage.

Don't get me wrong, but shu would of been strong and united if it was in the right lead of command...not by players that all they do is for a power trip to show off of nothing. It is understandable that being King has the best perks in the game, from resource income, to extra privileges. But screaming and shouting commanding others like they are there to take orders is a bit much don't you think?. I have nothing against you but put yourself in my "shu". Think of what we Wu and Wei had to endure and not only that, get laughed on the world channel is a nice treatment?. All I am doing is returning what was done to us. BUT 10x worse. If you cant take the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

I find it odd that you are the few that does side with cantiq and lion but doing so indirectly. smart, but this has nothing to do with you. if something needs to be done, it should be directly from the violators. not from a by stander like yourself. I cant just keep talking shiet of someone that is incapable to defend themself. I really doesn't make me sexy. If this is too much of shiet talking, then don't poke a bear with a stick and expect them not to chase a dumbas$ down and smack them upside the head with an iron claw. it is just the mechcanic of the game, but not the life of the game, or the game of the life, or this is the game, perhaps this game is their life...wtf and i talking about now...
Author: Whalr    Time: 2016-5-23 22:03
Edited by Whalr at 2016-5-24 02:27

im sexy...I beat your lion account, next would be your Lexx account, and that KendalJene account of yours....you will go down 1 by 1

Shu, Put some Adidas-W (All Day I Dream About Sexy Wu) on...perhaps a W-Superstar
Author: PondanG    Time: 2016-5-26 08:53
GM, We need more food to survive

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