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Title: Clones in S55 Wei [Print this page]

Author: HanXin55    Time: 2016-5-21 23:57
Title: Clones in S55 Wei
Dear GM, there are clones in Wei S55 and everyone knows that. Especially these 3 IDs: Curuk45, Cloud23, Iwn233. These 3 IDs always go to a city together, definitely clones. Even they share the same castle in Wei palace. Please look at attached screenshots. Please help ban those clones to create a fair game environment. Thanks.

Author: kliwonzzz    Time: 2016-5-22 22:41
Edited by kliwonzzz at 2016-5-22 23:43

no clone in 55  ,,we play clean never use clone, we won because team work
Author: Slipknot    Time: 2016-5-22 22:46
Gbuki wae wonzz ASHU
Author: HanXin55    Time: 2016-5-22 23:21
Edited by HanXin55 at 2016-5-22 23:44

Playing 3 ID in 1 pc is cloning lol. GM has been banning clones since S1 and you don't know? There GM, the wei player already admitted that they use clones.

Author: Ichigo    Time: 2016-5-22 23:41
Dear GM I think u should investigation before u ban him Iwn233 At leaste u have proof that he play one pc 3ID if he play One iPad one iPhone n one pc ??? What ur solution??? But if u insist it is clone u must let him go n let him pick one of 3ID to keep playing , I mean give a chance to him if u insist it it clone ... That all for my suggestion ... Thx Pls kindly read n be a judge thx From S55
Author: WEiALL    Time: 2016-5-23 12:06
Hanxin adalah pemain tertolol dan terbodoh yang pernah saya temui, 3 id di wei 55 anda permasalahkan sampai buat laporan ke gm…itu menandakan bahwa anda tidak pro. anda kira kita gunakan clone? No anda salah besar dan sangat besar sekali karna kita semua disana team work. Liat di room lain banyak clone sampai ratusan id wajar dipermasalahkan ini anda melapor 3 id hahahahaha bodoh dan tolol menurut gw.
Author: Slipknot    Time: 2016-5-23 23:20
Hanxin udah minta uang mama belum buat rc
Author: HanXin55    Time: 2016-5-24 14:25
@WEiALL, ga usah munafik lah, giliran lu yg jadi shu atau wu yg main ga pake clones trs lawan wei yg banyak clones, apakah lu msh ngomong hal yg sama? Lu anggap gw bodoh gapapa, tp kita sama2 tahu siapa yg sebenarnya sedang omong kosong disini.
Author: HanXin55    Time: 2016-5-24 14:30
@Slipknot, kira2 yg acting childish itu saya atau org yg suka maki2 org di forum ya?
Author: HanXin55    Time: 2016-5-24 14:33
I admit that wei s55 has good teamwork and i admire their teamwork, but i dont think the way of using clones is something i should admire.
Author: Slipknot    Time: 2016-5-24 17:58
Hanxin mau nanya saya! Menurutmu shu tanpa clone ya? ,, laporan lagi gih biar shu menang ,, wei bersih team work
Author: FLI    Time: 2016-5-24 19:04
What Hanxin55 saying is true GM. There is no point for me to continue recharge in S55 if i have to fight clones in Wei. That's the very reason some players like sima S7 stop recharging too.
Author: ZhongLi    Time: 2016-6-13 12:45
Wei definitely has clones in S55. Please do the investigation and take appropriate disciplinary action. Thank you.

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