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Title: CLONES in s55 SHU [Print this page]

Author: frah1    Time: 2016-5-23 11:24
Title: CLONES in s55 SHU
Edited by frah1 at 2016-5-23 11:25

Dear GM, there are clones in SHU S55 and everyone knows that. Especially these 3 ids: Hanxin, FLI, togewei. These 2 IDs Hanxin and FLI in SHU, and togewei in wei (spy). Even togewei (spy) share infromation from WEI to SHU. i can give you proff but im not share , i can pm you. Please help ban those clones to create a fair game environment. Thanks.

vip player or not , for create a fair game environment please ban that account without mercy.

Author: Slipknot    Time: 2016-5-23 11:31
Edited by Slipknot at 2016-5-23 11:34

hajar dj lol
Author: HanXin55    Time: 2016-5-24 13:58
Edited by HanXin55 at 2016-5-24 14:11

HanXin and Fli are not clones. We are two different person, GM can check our IP and recharge history. Frah1, please dont post such thing without proof lol.

But curuk45, cloud23, and Iwn233 are definitely clones, my screenshots have prove it mostly and GM can check further. And for Togewei, it is an account I made just to screenshot the castle that these 3 clones are holding. If GM consider it is a clone too then pls ban Togewei together with curuk45, cloud23, Iwn233. Thank you.
Author: frah1    Time: 2016-5-27 00:00
oh yeah hanxin?, how about togewei lol
Author: frah1    Time: 2016-5-27 04:50
Edited by frah1 at 2016-5-27 05:23

you know the rules hanxin? no one allowed use more than 1 id in 1 server , you know that?

iwn he play with her friend , this is game online you not play alone,zzzz

check yourself before blame other, you pathetic.

for create a fair game environment please ban that account Hanxin and togewei without mercy for now. other later with prove

but it's up to the GM's decision, I believe GM will act wisely

prove he not follow rules

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