Heyshell Games Forum

Title: this is great [Print this page]

Author: best7926    Time: 2016-5-28 22:55
Title: this is great
Edited by best7926 at 2016-5-28 22:56

Letting go my account.

Interested pls email to best77926@gmail.com

Level 138
All 3 Kings:
LiuBei 123 CaoCao 120 SunQuan 118
Special Hero:
M.Y.Lu S.Xiang C.Wenji DaQiao

Gold balance 10k
Chariot Flame
All Armaments Full
1 x Full set immu Eq
Patron Suit
Flame Suit
4 S.Lantern

Always in top 10 in server Arena

Want more details, pls email me.

Thank you.

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