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Title: s51 merge [Print this page]

Author: Dyolox    Time: 2016-5-29 22:42
Title: s51 merge
time for merge gm, Wei having 5 cities not very fun
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2016-5-31 12:09
Thanks for your info, we will take your server situation into full consideration when merging servers. Please don't worry.
Author: Dogknt    Time: 2016-6-4 15:24
Not another merge s51 thread again, yet again from another Wei player.

Wei strong enough to block Wu from dispatch out of Pengcheng mines.

It appears this Dyolox guy just does not want to fight a game of war. Only wants to play a game where resources are handed to them on a silver platter.

Wei just complain now because Wu kicked them to the curb and don't want to ally them for their non hard work.

Crying to GM when no work wants to be done seems to become a phenomenon these days...
Author: PomujPrima    Time: 2016-6-5 18:46
please wait i got luxun, if someone want merger..
Author: Dyolox    Time: 2016-6-5 22:03
oh look more shu opposing merge but you say I dont want to play game of war. shu's objection to it would be biased since they are easily largest country on server( but its me who doesnt want competition?)

mergers arent to make the strong stronger but to balance.

Author: +美人计+    Time: 2016-6-5 23:38
Edited by +美人计+ at 2016-6-5 23:58

Look back at my comments on your previous thread on this topic. Again you think you can fool a webmaster? You guys at wei sure love to insult a webmaster's intelligence. By the way good application of empty city. By not playing at all does gives you some ground to claim everyone already quit. I am sure you have screen shots of it too. Ahh ... only one flaw in your plan. It was your greed for iron or to win events. I am sure the webmaster can trace all wei players log on before snatch time and rush into the mine all at the same time. Please try something new. Don't always assume you can fool us with the same trick more than once. You never heard the expression "once biten twice shy"?

Author: Dyolox    Time: 2016-6-6 00:20
hello mei, no ones fooling anyone. I asked for merge, and this seems to offend shu greatly. im not trying to insult or scam. congrats on your iron(and some of my food in Zhaoge) today

Author: Twg    Time: 2016-6-6 01:07
Edited by Twg at 2016-6-6 01:12

Dear Wei,

By complaining to GM and asking for Merge when your country faces difficulty aint gonna solve the issue. What if the same thing happens again after merger? Are you all going to complain again and ask for merger with other server? it will be endless cycle.

Why not improve your gameplay? improve your Wu-Wei relationship to team up against Shu?

it aint the first time resources being snatched. I had my fair shares of them snatched by Wei/Wu. so instead of whining, just bring ur A-Game up. defend your resources since Unco had self proclaimed the 2nd strongest warrior in S51
Author: Dyolox    Time: 2016-6-6 01:28
im asking for merger for more players, and if the server looks dead after merger, i'd ask for more. im not playing this game to kill npc, guard and barbs 24/7. I didnt think it would be this hard to explain.

enlighten me, what would be grounds for a merge?
Author: Twg    Time: 2016-6-6 01:50
Edited by Twg at 2016-6-6 01:54

you can always ask GM to open up registration for new players for S51, for this case Wei specifically.

How i know? ask GM la. GM-Chen, please enlighten this fellow please?
Author: +美人计+    Time: 2016-6-6 13:45
Edited by +美人计+ at 2016-6-6 15:50

Ahh nice. Now that wei know they can't fool shu with their ghost town scheme or empty city, they have decided to come out and play. Aren't they a force to reckon with. They took iron mine in Xiapi off wu and Xiangyang from shu. Hmmm ... aint that claim for merger on the ground of not enough players a little misleading?

Perhaps having the second strongest player in the server do had a lot more advantage. Any players in COTK can tell you that having the second strongest player in the server can give you the edge to capture 2 mines. Errr ... did I say the wrong thing? Or was it numbers that poduce that kind of result? I love they way people contradict themselves. Take it easy wei. I am contradicting myself here in this paragraph too.

Psst ... you know what? Unconscious self disclosure make you a laughing stock and you don't even know why. Anyone agree with that statement, or am I making a clown out of myself trying to talk like a sage that nobody understands? So much for talking to myself. How did people from wei know I am called "mei" (post #7, page 1). Oops, did wei just disclose that they have account in shu to listen to our chat? Maybe I am imagining, but seriously am I? Ohhh not enough players eh? Hahaha!

Author: Daryll    Time: 2016-6-6 14:43
+美人计+ replied at 2016-6-6 13:45
Ahh nice. Now that wei know they can't fool shu with their ghost town scheme or empty city, they hav ...

merge eh? i dont mind if for balance , but if wei doin a tricky trick to make looks wei no ppl , its liar and i cant accept, wheres ur pride n dignity as player doin such thing, for lust? ,
must win no matter what even  usin dirty plot ?   ..
in fact ..wei ppl are significantly gone or decreased shown  up ( except harvest time n some events)  AFTER  thread of merge created .. dont ever think we or wu ppl dont know it

even s51 wei ever said we are lazy n lack of willingness to fight , really? now u lick back ur spit on the ground?

come on wei  ..wheres ur overconfident ur habit to insult n mockin us in world chat lik
e earlier server starting...i really miss it ..i do really ..
stop whining likes little boy , start fight and show ur dignity fellas

Author: Cihiy-S51    Time: 2016-6-6 15:10
Oops, did wei just disclose that they have account in shu to listen to our chat? Maybe I am imagining, but seriously am I? Ohhh not enough players eh? Hahaha!

I have been so dense. I always thought making accounts in enemy nations was only to spy. I never thought the purpose of making more accounts in shu was to show shu had more numbers. When cannot win good ground to ask for merger because not enough players.

By the way, I have good news for shu mei.
Author: +美人计+    Time: 2016-6-6 15:12
What is the good news, cihuy?
Author: Cihiy-S51    Time: 2016-6-6 15:21
Edited by Cihiy-S51 at 2016-6-6 15:33

Sorry mei, my bad. I was so happy and excited about the good news I forgot to mention it.

I am going to recharge to VIP 6 to be 2nd strongest player in the entire server. But then again this server going to merge so there is no point. That is why I am thinking twice about it.

Inspired by the quote below
I'm 2nd strongest player in the entire server paragraph 1

I wanted to quit (VIP 6) and I was actually looking to rc much more but now thinking twice because there's no point in playing in a server where you are all alone most of the time paragraph 2

source for the claim of second strongest player in the "entire" server by UnCoSame

Maybe like pomuj say (page 1, post 4), I will wait till I get Lu Xun than start thinking twice again to recharge or not.
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2016-6-6 19:10
Cihiy-S51 replied at 2016-6-6 15:21
Sorry mei, my bad. I was so happy and excited about the good news I forgot to mention it.

I am goin ...

think twice before take some action if still unsure think 3x and so on and so on
burning cash maybe not a wise decision moreover still some rumour about this heyshell
Author: Dyolox    Time: 2016-6-6 20:39
wow...what paranoia. well I didnt make this thread to debate/reason shu, but to ask for more players. you're free to disagree.

and mei, you told me your name in pm you initiated.


Author: Daryll    Time: 2016-6-6 21:48
Dyolox replied at 2016-6-6 20:39
wow...what paranoia. well I didnt make this thread to debate/reason shu, but to ask for more players ...

bro..u should know diff of paranoia and reality  in s51
i just wondering ..why wei ppls dont want to play n fight for their glory like shu s51 did instead whining and keep tellin us ure lack of ppl? only shown up together in one moment time event oftenly .. dont say u all is big family that needs make appointment to  play ? :p
out of stock willingness to play , dont have any lust to insult in worl chat? oh come on, wei isnt weak only lack of good attitude and easy to give up ..
happy monday
Author: Cihiy-S51    Time: 2016-6-6 21:57
Edited by Cihiy-S51 at 2016-6-6 22:27
think twice before take some action if still unsure think 3x and so on and so on
burning cash maybe not a wise decision moreover still some rumour about this heyshell

Thanks for the advise, bro. So, VIP6 don't guarantee you can be the second strongest player in the entire server, eh? Maybe I should think 5x to recharge VIP12 to be the strongest player in the entire server. But then again flashing money into GM's face is not a good thing. I wonder if GM gets insulted by the second strongest player in the entire server. I better not express my intention to recharge or not to recharge.

wow...what paranoia. well I didnt make this thread to debate/reason shu, but to ask for more players. you're free to disagree.

Hah, mei is always paranoid, DianWei.
Beside being paranoid, mei also have the gift of the gap. I wish I had that gift. Mei how say some people who open thread when proven wrong say not open for debate or reason?
Author: hen888    Time: 2016-6-12 15:48
51 merger with 55 would be great then, Wei hve lot ppl at 55 :p shu hve less active ppl

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