Title: My Sun Cee Experience. [Print this page] Author: Doe Time: 2016-6-2 09:13 Title: My Sun Cee Experience. Just got Sun Cee at 123. Sharing my experience and hope will be useful for someone to get him.
Awaken 22 immune awaken g.jia will kill of 1st,2nd and rebound 3rd general skills. Z.yun finish third general blocks 4th generals skills and kill 1 roll of 4th general. Lun xun finshs 4th general and dies. H.Yueying will cast skill on Sun Cee take all Sun Cee troops down about 55% left. Kill 1 row of Sun Cee. Z.Fei will finish rest of the Job.
Congradulations! You have Sun Cee at ~~123~~
Author: Trisabdacom Time: 2016-6-2 10:24
You lvl 123 but your arma 125 how could it possible?Author: Doe Time: 2016-6-2 10:29
125 now. was 123 bro. just sharing my experience hope will be helpful for you.
S.50 BrownJosepAuthor: Daveltl76 Time: 2016-6-2 12:56
Maybe u messing up ur setup
If u follow bro Corvinus thread, u won't need any block to pass; cuz even normal goujia (in my case) can easily rebound all skill
Author: Doe Time: 2016-6-3 01:12
Just sharing my experience of getting Sun Cee at 123. Maybe I'am messing up big guy. Whats your strategy?Author: Daveltl76 Time: 2016-6-3 01:28
Oh it's not my strategy, u can find that suggest here http://bbs.heyshell.com/forum.ph ... ;highlight=Sun%2BCe
I said maybe u messing up ur setup, cuz with that flame chariot and awaken goujia u couldn't rebound all
While in the link above, Corvinus only has lvl4 chariot and normal goujia but he can
Author: Doe Time: 2016-6-3 01:43
I see. Hard to get to his set up at level 123. I did what I had to do to get Sun Cee at 123. And it worked, bottom line.Author: elang Time: 2016-6-3 18:09
U want to share the experience or want to show off your RC Experience??
VIP 11?? woww.. u are very very rich
why not just write tutorial for recharge gold bro Author: s.o.b Time: 2016-6-3 21:29
Ty for sharing Author: RobbinEMoore Time: 2018-10-27 19:25
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Thank you for the post
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