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Title: Awaken Guo jia [Print this page]

Author: CC07    Time: 2016-6-13 07:14
Title: Awaken Guo jia
If I awaken Guo Jia does that mean his rebounds skill is more harmful seen as his lead goes up heaps?
Author: Stelumvict    Time: 2016-6-13 14:22
i did awaken gjia and i really regret it...my suggestion is you should wait until awaken zfei.. he'll help u alot in bio,arena,star etc.. awaken gjia is useless
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-6-13 18:17
No, that is not how it works. Damage taken from reflected skill depends on caster, not on reflecting general.

The main advantage of awaken Guo Jia is you are able to block generals that are immune to reflection. And as a bonus, my favourite blademail, e.g. rebounding of 80% clash damage.

I wrote it already few times, Guo Jia awakening is worthy for people who wants to use it in long run, especially people who made him into tank (full immu set). Otherwise it´s waste of tokens. However I don´t find Guo Jia awaken useless just as Stelumvict above me, the question is which path of progress you wanna take.  I have awaken Guo Jia with full immu set and attack of 7500 at the moment and its very useful in arena, tourney and in instances.
Author: LeeJin    Time: 2016-6-14 11:03
Corvinus replied at 2016-6-13 18:17
No, that is not how it works. Damage taken from reflected skill depends on caster, not on reflecting ...

Yeah, i love my awaken G Jia. Btw, he will be stronger with suitable equip
Author: Xguan    Time: 2016-6-14 14:44
@corvinus...u are wrong for long term play,u really wasting token,awaken guojia is useless for tower ,special instance,personal contest and biography, awaken guojia only use for arena only but only to fight low rank player.or maybe under 137 lvl..also soon to be replace by sunjian,the only one advantage of awaken guojia is have more lead can block zhuge or luxun if lucky..raising guojia to lvl over 120 like u raising zang ba vs tsci..like history he died at young age,also this game died on late gameplay
Author: ChrisLim    Time: 2016-6-14 16:43
IMO, awaken GJ probably are for mediocre players that only going for 12m kills & feat daily.
In another words, slow progress to enjoy the game in long run.

If you are a hardcore or rich player that want to push level fast then awaken GJ is not recommended.
Author: liandyvu    Time: 2016-6-14 17:21
ChrisLim replied at 2016-6-14 16:43
IMO, awaken GJ probably are for mediocre players that only going for 12m kills & feat daily.
In ano ...


I second ur thought!

Author: CC07    Time: 2016-6-14 18:04
so save for zfei maybe? wat would use recommend for first awaken?
Author: Joekennedy    Time: 2016-6-16 17:31
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-6-16 20:46
Xguan replied at 2016-6-14 14:44
@corvinus...u are wrong for long term play,u really wasting token,awaken guojia is useless for tower ...

Useless for tower ? U mad Bro ? I am stuck in last floor of 9th floor for some 6 lvls (I am 131@the mmnt) just bcs I use Guo Jia awakened, without him I would be lower. My Guo Jia has lead 88 which makes him superb blocker, even better than Lu Xun and Zhou Yu. Yes, Sun Jian is much better hero and that is the one I will replace Guo Jia With. Combo Sima Yi + Guo Jia means you are able to lock two NPCs in the instance and then let second damage third, third reflect and easy kill for Guo Jia, then reflect at least fourth NPC. I presume, just as I have done Sun Ce instance in one hour I will do Jiang Wei instance.
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-6-16 21:00
One more thing. As there is biography, It´s really easy to get 3500 tokens. But 6000 tokens for Zhang Fei is much more wasted, bcs you´ll collect it longer and, on lvl. 145 you can awake Zhang Jiao which is definitely better for 16k tokens than Zhang Fei for 6000. So you will miss this 6000 much more than 3500 when you reach this lvl. Awakened Zhang Fei is usually used with full immu and Zhuge Liang´s boost, which is nice combination, much nicer than abilities of awakened Guo Jia, but still awaken him after lvl 130 is to prolong awakening of Zhang Jiao in the future.   
Author: Stmpn    Time: 2016-6-17 00:30
Just do whatever you enjoy the most bro, it's your game after all. Why bother to play if it's not even fun. Even if you are the strongest if it's not fun then it won't last long.
Use awaken h.zong if it makes u feel happy
Both have great point of views btw..
Author: CC07    Time: 2016-6-17 13:42
Edited by CC07 at 2016-6-17 13:44

ATM I've got full 4 star trick on tsci nd lvl 10 storm on gjia. Would it be worth awaken zliao with full trick nd Storm on him?
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-6-17 14:32
Depens on what for. Zliao is superb blocker&caster but weak damage dealer. So for arena & tourney its a good choice, for instance its waste.
Author: Joekennedy    Time: 2016-6-19 05:11
If you think it will help your gen for a long time it's worth it to you. Zliao best with flame/phEonix suit and lantern/hersbit. Skiller not so good with gjia/agjia around unless they can't be rebound like luxun
Author: Joekennedy    Time: 2016-6-19 05:13
Agree corvinus more better save. 300 tokens for my azfei.I'm thinking about skipping for closer to azjiao or azyun/zyu/sunce

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