Heyshell Games Forum

Title: Suggest about normal lure/strike [Print this page]

Author: Tomoki    Time: 2016-6-18 19:02
Title: Suggest about normal lure/strike
Ingame we all know what doing those buttons. but offer happend, when low lvl conquest high lvl, when some1 press "lure/strike" (coz its making random).
Dear GM, can u make/write "function", which can check lvl's of duelist. F.ex.: different between lvl's +/-10 lvl. it will be better for all players. high lvl's vs high lvl's, and low vs low.
i think die from  1 skill of emperor hero not "cool", when 70% of servers are VIP or 130+ lvl, while others 30% 100+ and weak.
Also check w. expedition parameters - lvl of w.expedition depend of capital lvl? if yes, then make some check for emperor of each nation's for lvl  limit (players with low lvl making capital stronger, but can't conquest barb - its ridiculously).
Eventually it's only suggest, so anyway you decide.

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