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Title: Dear GM. Please merger s.50 with s.26 [Print this page]

Author: Doe    Time: 2016-7-4 01:11
Title: Dear GM. Please merger s.50 with s.26
Hi GM! Please consider merger s.50 with s.26 where rc can be fun again! I will not rc again unless we get our merger!

IGN. S.50 Brownjosep

Author: mC..    Time: 2016-7-4 15:15
Why u so arrogant..equated ur self with Hemmhemm??
u so childish sis.. just because some defeats in strategy
u intents to destroy our server??

we started play at s52 to play with equal opponent..
after merger with s50 we try to catch up 1month+

i know u very rich..
why not asking gm open a special server for rich ppl like u??
if u looking fr server where rc can fun.. try s58 or wait s59 coming soon..

we already fun here s50-52.
GM COTK..no merger with old server

ign McHio (shu s52) now s50

Author: Doe    Time: 2016-7-5 02:42
Intention is to balance server population! as Shu S.50 triples population of Wu!

You are speaking on behalf of S.50 Shu. Not entire S.50. Of course its fun for you as you all triples population of Wei and Wu.
Author: Ozai    Time: 2016-7-5 11:26
Doerrr sebelum merger rc kami ahahaha you so funny idiot
Author: mC..    Time: 2016-7-5 11:34
shu s50 triples population of wu?? please speak by data lah!!
stop being a drama queen!..u care about population??
what happen in wu 50?? why ur fellows abandon u???

shu50 population not much different with wu.. yes wei have less ppl.,
thats why we need to give them a little space.

we build a community.. friendship.. united 1vision play fr fun here..
make ppl settle.. no need jumper to new server..

take note.. every times merger make many ppl retire..
we (plural) active ppl will not rechare if already leave cotk.. right??
Author: Franco    Time: 2016-7-5 12:45
What Telenovela bro Doe..? if want Wu strong, go create new ID Wu S1, if want Art and entertain merge with S 45, if not no need merge. I think u must drink some coco, that will clear u HEAD.
Author: Siajojo    Time: 2016-7-5 22:18
Please BrownJosep. Dont cry to GM again to ask new merger. Merger not best option but i think you have to respect another wu's player so they not leave wu 50. Do Not be arrogant player. Just drink some beer n enjoy the game. Or, rinse your brain. Hehehe
Author: DjJIM    Time: 2016-7-5 22:50
wu50 actually have equal number of players with shu50.
its like 50% 50% power.
but dunno why.this brownjosep never respect other ppl not only shu50 wei50 but wu50 also...do u remember once u world chat to scold ur own country wu players...

and u always spam world chat about +- 100gold
to scold wei and shu

thats why ppl hates u.even wu ppl hates u bcos u arrogant doesnt respect other player.just bcos u very rich to RC to be highest vip

not all ppls have lotsa money like u...
and i believe highest vip in other server arent arrogant like u

what a shame...crying to get merge...
Author: Tristann    Time: 2016-7-6 12:44
merger with S50 with S38 will be fun..wanna see how much strongger he is..
Author: vortlynn    Time: 2016-7-6 15:53
50-50 u said? We wu lose in server war 33-3. Should I post the as? So funny u shu.
I agree to merge with s26. Make a new chalange for me. Boring in this kind play game.
I musbe be rc more if u merge. Hold my word.
I stopped rc now because I boring I can't do anything with they population.

Vortlynn s 50

Author: darkness    Time: 2016-7-6 17:17
vortlynn replied at 2016-7-6 15:53
50-50 u said? We wu lose in server war 33-3. Should I post the as? So funny u shu.
I agree to merge  ...

I am not for merger , neither am i against it.  
The comments by some shu players inside here
that shu and wu population are equal are not very forthcoming.
Shu outnumbers Wu population by at least 3:1, But if shu players inside
here  says that Wu and Shu population are equal. Then remainder in Shu server 50 must be clones.
Please help to check for clones in Shu in server 50 since two shu players inside here already say population in Shu and Wu is the same.

Thank You.
Author: mC..    Time: 2016-7-6 19:07
hai bro vortl and edgar.. want be an actor like bj??
speak by data lah!!

dont like teens girl with sosial media.. just talk talk..
play strategy for fun!!

stop use clone.. u too busy with your clone.. make u miss in calculated.

on reclamation today.. dispathced wu and shu not much dif..
i know ur clone not have enough silver because u always use for lure/strike at event..
if not.. i believe wu dispatch more then shu.
Author: DjJIM    Time: 2016-7-6 21:16
wu were equal to shu.
many left...wanna know why ?? bcos this thing name brownjosep is too extraordinary arrogant...

and for you vortlyn...u stop rc ??? or being stop rced by ur bos ??? Roflmao

i saw wu 40gens suddenly appear at Wuyang today just before dispatch time...but the iron did came up to linfen...and once again...those freaking 40 wu gens suddenly disapear from wuyang like houdini...

wei is the weakest nation in s50 they have less than 10 active players...
those who have right to request merge is wei50...NOT WU50...lame...
Author: vortlynn    Time: 2016-7-6 21:17
But why u can beat us in server war. And it so far 33-3 .
Can u answer it mchio?
Should i give u myss?

Author: mC..    Time: 2016-7-6 23:37
ooww at previous tourney? that was nice tourney..i got 1.3k+ vocer fr that round..

OMG!!  u dont know why you lose??
how could a bond of arrogant ppl can lose so badly???

preparation bro!!! this war game.. use strategy.. use ur brain (if u still hv it)
we save reso and shadows for country war.. not like wu use shadow for snatch!!
communicate during strategy importen bro.. u to busy play multi ID make u not focus

advice fr u.. stop follow ur master bj order.. this is just a game
play for fun..respect other ppl..

yes Wu. have rank1 n rank2 ppl.. but never respect others
u always steal shu n wei barb exp.. n keep ur barb exp for train ur clone..

oke.. wise man said: Don't Argue With Idiot

i think enough lah!!

Author: DjJIM    Time: 2016-7-7 08:53
we shu have a good community.thats why shu in many servers are dominant...more players active...like we are in shu50...many players active.u can see it in top rank 20...if u can breakdown to top 40...all green

and bout last turney...wanna know u lost so badly ??
bcos wu only depend on those 2 superheroes...BJ and Spartacus....
where they are when needed ??? just like last turney...he left u guys of wu

wu is too depend on him.thats the main reason wu lost.no strategy only depend on strength

BJ always world chat telling ppl bout his strength.showing his bunch of gold by spamming 100 200 gold at world chat

we dont care bout that.so pls stop argueing vortlyn.u ll never won
Author: vortlynn    Time: 2016-7-8 14:51
So shu 50 afraid to merge. OK than. Useless chick.

Author: vortlynn    Time: 2016-7-10 18:19
Can u explain this?
And u gm (cotk-chen)if u still dont want to take action ,i speechless.


Vortlynn s50-52

Author: darkness    Time: 2016-7-11 14:12
Edited by darkness at 2016-7-11 19:17
mC.. replied at 2016-7-6 19:07
hai bro vortl and edgar.. want be an actor like bj??
speak by data lah!!

Please look at the iron dispatched below to understand shu has more population than wu.  I am neither for merger nor against it.  And I am not complaining , but please do not warp facts.  Most players from wu left because they usually lose iron mine and events to shu, not because of brown , and also not because of sparta.  Please do not misinterpret the situation in wu,  thank you.  I have also enclosed screenshots below to indicate more shu population than wu population:
Author: vortlynn    Time: 2016-7-14 12:46
darkness replied at 2016-7-11 14:12
Please look at the iron dispatched below to understand shu has more population than wu.  I am neith ...

From iron again? So funny.
Now let me ask u darkness. Is ppl who dispatch is active?
It can be ur spy. Am I right?
But ppl whose doing event wealth is active ppl.
Cmon don't be silly like ur friend mch.....
Be smart pls. Use ur brain. Can u?

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