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Title: Alternative to server merge [Print this page]

Author: Dyolox    Time: 2016-7-8 23:20
Title: Alternative to server merge
Good Morning GMs,

Seems like weekly(sometimes daily) a server asks for merge(done so myself). Not often are we seeing requested merges happen. It's GM choice and merges inevitably will make some players quit. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Fellow players I know want a merge but only with new server. I am for any merge, I just want more countrymen. To each their own, another damned situation.

I'd like to propose(2nd time) that a character transfer service be made available. I do not wish to watch my country die to jus 3 players before a merge request is finally granted.

A pay service offering players to move to a server they choose also seems like it would be better then forcing a merge with a server players don't want to go(s49). Of course you run risk of a player of great strength like Milo transferring to a brand new server and single handedly owning it. That situation could be mitigated by restricting either a) you can only transfer to an older server; or b) the target server must be of certain age or within certain range of your current server to be eligible.

Please consider this idea as I feel it would be great option for players.

DianWei s51

Author: Doe    Time: 2016-7-9 03:07
Good intention. Bad idea! No server will be balance if everyone can go anywhere they want to go.
Author: Dyolox    Time: 2016-7-9 05:08
Even with restriction on which server you could go to?
I've player many games that offer a server transfer service for a fee. There are usually some restraints, cant go to special/select server or you can only transfer once every 6 months and you pay everytime.
Granted those were different style game, but I dont feel its a big leap for it to work here.

Author: Angels    Time: 2016-7-9 21:34
I agree with server transfer..merger only make shu dominant. Gm your merger suks. Not solving problem but make people quit.
Author: donjuan    Time: 2016-7-10 09:41
...and kill those undesired, the least chosen server...

Btw, how would u know which server u want to join? If u have joined new server and regret it, would u pay for another transfer?
Author: Angels    Time: 2016-7-10 12:02
Doesnt matter i willing to pay. Would u prefer to stay at server tats shu dominant?
Author: +美人计+    Time: 2016-7-14 13:41
I think pay to transfer is a good idea. Anything that makes money is a good idea for the organizer. Have have you consider the work involved? How do you think they can suddenly make you appear in a server of your choice. It's not going to happen overnight. It may cost them more man hours to cater to your request than the amount you are willing to pay them.
Author: Angels    Time: 2016-7-14 19:55
Its more fun tat way..we can make wei community to destroy shu every server
Author: Unkind    Time: 2016-7-17 18:40
Angels replied at 2016-7-14 19:55
Its more fun tat way..we can make wei community to destroy shu every server

So at the end of day.....u r hoping to go to a server where wei dominates. Why don't u just open account in every server? Problem solve for u my friend.
Author: KM™    Time: 2016-7-26 15:00
why not consider trade an account between players themselves? for example, i have account in s7 maybe i can swap account in s45?
Author: ceciltheo3    Time: 2016-7-26 15:17
It has to be based on a maximum of 3 transfers and only trade up and not down as well a no swapping kingdom's
Author: ceciltheo3    Time: 2016-7-26 15:20
Up as in older server no newer

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