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Title: Guanyu vs Sunce [Print this page]

Author: Stmpn    Time: 2016-8-25 23:00
Title: Guanyu vs Sunce
Edited by Stmpn at 2016-8-26 01:26

Who is better and why?

Author: Hendy_wizard    Time: 2016-8-26 16:40
Sunce....As he's gen for all terrain...Not only at mountain terrain. You just need to equip him with equip that he could resist your opponent's skill.
Author: Stmpn    Time: 2016-8-26 19:41
I see, thank you for replying.. the only problem is my troops count is not that high and i don't have dragon suit yet....
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2016-8-26 23:48
The hybridization between them whether Guan ce either Sun yu you choose which one you prefer
Author: Daryll    Time: 2016-8-27 19:05
my suggest if u have slotted or higher trinket n suit go for sunce ..
sunce needs troops and skill def also good ..his iron fist alwys appear when ur troops higher than enemy in first contact
Author: Afrooo    Time: 2016-8-27 20:51
I was faced with this dilemma when I reached level 127 too. In my opinion, they are pretty even. It just depends what you want. Guan Yu is a monster in mountain terrain and hit critical hit chance is awesome but outside of mountain terrain he is weak. Sun Ce in my opinion is better because of the obvious all terrain. He can't be weak in any terrain. I only just got the dragon suit for him but you don't need super high troops for him. Before I got dragon I used 4 troop, 1 harm and 1 attack and he was still strong. But try them both and decide yourself.
Author: Stmpn    Time: 2016-8-27 20:53
Yup bro, i'm saving soul for fostering z.yun and star atlas now..
Stuck in da qiao 2 rows left though, but surely with few blocks i can pass.. i think i'm gonna choose s.ce compared to g.yu then.
Then again is z.fei better than g.yu???
i really can't decide cause i'm stupid, LOL
Author: Stmpn    Time: 2016-8-27 23:02
Thank you bro afrooo for the insight, really helpful
Author: Xixi    Time: 2016-8-28 03:13
For me zfei is better than guanyu because he can hit 2 rows. Better raise your zfei well...
Author: millertime    Time: 2016-8-28 04:58
Guan yu better then z.fei unless you plan on awakening z.fei. if you going to awaken z.fei no use in raising guan yu
Author: Stmpn    Time: 2016-8-28 21:26
Thanks for the advice
Finally i got s.ce
I think i'm gonna choose z.fei over g.yu because z.fei is more consistent in dealing damage and i need soul to foster my sun ce..
At level 124 soul is very scarce and i can't manage to spend more soul for fostering g.yu.. and the difference is not that great between these 3 men i think
Author: donjuan    Time: 2016-8-29 08:05
What so special bout sunce? His weakness is against skill att.
Author: Afrooo    Time: 2016-8-29 09:55
Sun Ce is not that weak against enemy skill attacks. +25% terrain bonus really helps with his skill defense.
Author: donjuan    Time: 2016-8-29 13:08
What i mean is, if sunce got skilled and lost some amount of troops, then the iron fist would not be very special anymore.
Sunce wouldl be just like machao.

If one wanna use sunce, he must make sure that sunce's troops would be sufficient for iron fist even if he got skilled.

Now the gens in sunce level would be luxun with fire to reduce enemy troops, zgliang and simayi both skiller, zyun who have the probability to dodge the iron fist and zfei with splitting damage.
All those gens may weaken sunce.

Author: Trisabdacom    Time: 2016-8-29 13:56
use them both... Its quite awesome, i dont use zfei cause i dont plan to awaken him...

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