Heyshell Games Forum

Title: Suggestion for food & basic resources [Print this page]

Author: backevan    Time: 2016-8-26 20:27
Title: Suggestion for food & basic resources
Dear GM Chen,

At the outset, i must appreciate COTK team's to get new upgrates, activities and events.

The game as is was good and now much much more interesting than earlier.

However please appreciate the fact that with all the increased action, basic resources are acute shortage.

In fact now most players have started skipping events due to lack of basic resources like food, ro etc.

My suggestion is pls increase resource quantity as country lvl increase.

Eg. Frankly 1500-4500 food seems way to low. Ideally for lvl 7 or 8 country it should be 20x
Also country facing strong/world top players like hakilmilo should be give extra food for obvious reason.

Above is just an eg. but u do gotta be more liberal with basic resources.

Hate to tell u most players are losing motivation.

Do help us with basic resources. It is a win-win.

Thx & sorry for long post.
bali , s29 wu

Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2016-8-26 23:46
It was suggested decades ago, i think i suggest to GM (not chen my lovely) i guess that the food should based on chief level
Author: smithyphoeb    Time: 2016-8-27 12:19
My opinion low food is good, so people not all day playing this game. Actually u see from this game event=
8am plunder, 9am country event, 10am plunder, 11am - 1pm dispatch,  2pm county event, 3pm plunder, 4pm harvest, 5pm plunder, 7pm country event, 8pm plunder, 10pm plunder n remember after reset 12am plunder. Almost all of our time is required for playing this game to stay strong, if gm give more food means the level differential between strong players n lowbies will be more.
My opinion about more events launched lately is good for stopping bot n clones, mhuo event ppl won't bring clones out. It's good for genuine players like us.

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