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Title: SUGGESTION !! Glowing Energy [Aura] [Print this page]

Author: curseknight88    Time: 2014-5-24 16:19
Title: SUGGESTION !! Glowing Energy [Aura]

I found this in unexpected condition where the server was very very lag after zhenji event. In the beginning I just ignore it because I though it was from the effect of the network problem (lagging).

This accident was not bad at all and give me a cool idea.
How about all of the official player get this glowing energy? Those heroes will become more amazing and in the graphic category ithis game will be more attractive, isn't?   
The colour of glowing energy will be determined by the position.
For example :
The emperor ---> Golden Aura
The prince ---> Red Aura
The pope ---> White Aura
The elector ---> Green Aura
The archduke ---> Black Aura

If I may, this glowing energy doesn't give any bonus stats to heroes it just give bonus experience and resource. Because if this glowing energy give bonus to the stats of the heores iit will create unbalanced into the game (GM should considered about silver user too, right?)

The purpose is I just want to make this game more attractive and make people said, "Whoa, this game is very cool and the heroes looks very strong because have glowing energy [Aura]"

I just want to share my suggestion and hopefully get feedback from the GM and other player

Author: yttxguanwang    Time: 2014-5-28 15:27
Thank you for your suggestion. Your idea will be fed back to the staffs. Have a pleasant game!
Author: CaoPi    Time: 2014-8-17 18:47
Hope that function avaible,it looks so cool
Author: Athur    Time: 2014-8-18 15:56
we must record your suggest

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