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Title: GM , must look [Print this page]

Author: ma x x    Time: 2014-5-25 15:25
Title: GM , must look
S9 server is dead, Wu in this server alway got bullying, no chance to fight back at all cause lack of player, it boring and disappointed even we spent money to recharge in Wu, so pls try do something or merge us with a fair fight for those VIP in Wu. And I heard that afew VIP 7 in WU going to quit too, so pls do something GM. Thks
Author: yttxguanwang    Time: 2014-5-28 14:57
Your issue is recorded. Our staffs are working on it. Please wait patiently.
Author: Fenrir    Time: 2014-5-28 22:33
I am suggesting to merge s9 with s11 not with s10 because s10 had same condition like s9.
s11 got bigger Wu and Wei, beneficial for s9 people
Author: kierwi    Time: 2014-5-30 22:19
In s11 more worst
Wu and wei ally and make chaos in shu
But thats ok if GM merge S9 with s11
Author: npossedo    Time: 2014-6-1 10:59
Agree with max, GM can u Fix that? we need expalin about balance player at S9
Author: Athur    Time: 2014-6-4 15:59
OK, your advice is recorded as suggestion. Thanks for your support.

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