Heyshell Games Forum

Title: Don't bother asking for merger [Print this page]

Author: mocca.com    Time: 2016-11-4 23:57
Title: Don't bother asking for merger
Dear all,

I am sure all of you have being pm ing gm to merge, look at it from a revenue point of view, old server most already rc to.A certain level and gm can't squeeze much revenue from.you. for newer server, if u can't win in new server, gm will create new server and u will rc from the new server. This cycle will go on n on. Face it n accept your fate. I already lost interest in events and start to think upgrading myself is pointless as the main game like country war is no longer fun. Slowly move on and quit. It is costly for gm to merge and they will give the standard reply. If gm can merge server, he will do that long ago, I suspect they don't.know how to merge anymore due to too much server now. Bear in mind, if they are capable the forum won't be hacked and loaded with porn
Author: Frosty    Time: 2016-11-5 02:36
lol :lol:lol
Author: gohdai    Time: 2016-11-11 18:23
Good point of view bro
Author: Kdasss    Time: 2020-10-11 17:21
To be honest, the merger is not so bad. I myself like to merge with PSE escorts that bring an extraordinary amount of emotions when merging, I'm just very grateful to the creator of the service that you can find out more and maybe even find something- then for yourself you will not be able to stop like me)

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