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Title: Emp ice city graphics [Print this page]

Author: Rebel    Time: 2014-6-9 11:58
Title: Emp ice city graphics
I can not see the fight or select my skills. I can't see opponent when choosing who I fight. I have latest iOS and newest update on game. Ign is Rebel. I'm not the only person having the problem. I am also a VIP player already. Not only in empire city but cotk as well. Please fix the issue as soon as possible.
Author: Rebel    Time: 2014-6-9 12:00
It works fine on PC. Just not iOS devices. Cotk works perfect however.
Author: Rebel    Time: 2014-6-9 12:13
I'm sorry name of it is empire craft.
Author: Athur    Time: 2014-6-9 14:04
Please visit this site and screenshot it to us. That will help us to understand more about you mobile network.
Author: Rebel    Time: 2014-6-9 19:36
Lol. I play cotk. This empire craft is not working like it should on iOS (iPhone). Battle scene is frozen and can not select skills. Also can not see general of opponent.  If it works there it should work here. I've gave you plenty of money. Please just fix it ASAP
Author: Athur    Time: 2014-6-10 11:09
, please provide these information to us to help solve the issue:
>>Where are you from
>>Your server
>>Your IGN
>>more information about your problem
>>please take a screenshot.
Author: Athur    Time: 2014-6-12 11:02
Hello, does it work now? If not, remember to provide information above.

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