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Title: recognition of a HuGet S12 [Print this page]

Author: INgrid    Time: 2014-7-3 15:21
Title: recognition of a HuGet S12
hello everybody , have a nice day and regards Arthur ..
today i want share ' recognition of HuGet ' at world chat in Server 12 ..
he ' HuGet emperor of Shu at Server 12 ' admit that he was playing a clone player .. and this is true, so, look at screenshoot of this worldchat of HuGet, which in Indonesian he said ' GW MAIN CLONE PADA BERISIK ' meaning ' I PLAY THE CLONE, YOU GUYS ON THE NOISY '
so we ' WU AND WEI PLAYER ' expect to GM and ALL Staff to provide FAIRNESS and FIRMNESS to HuGet who admitted his ACTIONs.

Thank You and we await your dicretion as owner this Game ..
happy Playing and Keep Professional for INDONESIAN PLAYER

Author: MadaraUchiha    Time: 2014-7-3 17:10
Uitsss si HuGet ketauan main 6 CLONE
Author: xsafirx    Time: 2014-7-3 17:28
i thought he complaint about clone in other treat

oh i see.. who is the real losser
Author: HuGet    Time: 2014-7-3 18:06
If you understand proper languange let me translate "You all one id there jn wu play 6 char, im too busy to play clone, because i have a life, damn nosy ppl better shutup."

And let me translate what the above said by Bierwalte that is harassing "All Shu Player rubbish".

You cannot even speak proper languange of your own then better dont type English.
Author: INgrid    Time: 2014-7-3 18:59
ow ..dikira nya kami anak kecil diwu hahahaha
bisa dibohongin ama HuGet yg jelas jelas mengaku sendiri bahwa dia main Clone.. ngeladenin orang kaya lo. sama aja ngeladenin orang GILA. dilawan salah ga dilaaan ya sama aja kami salah ckckckckxkk
Author: morenaoo    Time: 2014-7-3 19:41
Title: ?
Edited by morenaoo at 2014-7-3 19:50

emg bocah kan? awkakwk di kira staff nya bego apa lu translate sparo" bocah"... YOU GUYS ON THE NOISY???? skolah yg bner gih bnerin inggris lu jgn maen clone molo

Author: ry4i7    Time: 2014-7-3 19:57
Edited by ry4i7 at 2014-7-3 20:55

jelas paling banyak clone di wu S12 ,gm bisa cek lansung dari ip bermain yang sama udah kelihatan tu hadehhh

Author: ry4i7    Time: 2014-7-3 20:00
Edited by ry4i7 at 2014-7-3 20:54

gm you can check it with the ip data from the player ,and you will see that wu S12 player have the most clone id that they will never admit it ,but will showed when event just to make an auto off trash to stop our movement
every time when there is an event gm can come in and check it ,all wu S12 clone id with low level showed up ,but if no event all hide
Author: Kara    Time: 2014-7-3 20:15
Edited by Kara at 2014-7-3 20:42

BierWalte said. "All shu players are rubbish"

WU S12 has been defeated by "rubbish" for several times, so that's mean WU S12 players are worst than rubbish itself?
finally you can recognize who you are... pathetic
Author: eXoz    Time: 2014-7-3 20:38
is that ry4i7 shadow that u call as clone.. cant u differentiate which 1 is clone? ckck come on do i need bring a mirror for u? u make the clone and blame on us? come grow up lols
Author: tochbing    Time: 2014-7-4 19:34
Just giive cotk staff work. And the true will be know soon. Maybe ingrid english was not good. But gm will know even u speak in indonesian leaguage. That really teribble loser! Shu is the real loser! U just have 5-10 vip player but we have 1000 strong player which dont use money tobeat u. Because we are all is brotherhood
Author: ry4i7    Time: 2014-7-5 18:18
hahaha ,we will see tcott , we have the prove too ,but we will just wait for GM to see what will they do,failed yesterday with 3 of your id tcott and need "sesepuh" help so can breach in tcott ?   lol
Author: INgrid    Time: 2014-7-5 19:46
lol hahaha kadang ngaku kadang engga ah bocah sekarat semua pemikirannya hahahaaha
Author: INgrid    Time: 2014-7-6 06:25
eXoz replied at 2014-7-3 20:38
is that ry4i7 shadow that u call as clone.. cant u differentiate which 1 is clone? ckck come o ...

are you fucking kidding me ?? wkwkwk
dasar perusak game
Author: eXoz    Time: 2014-7-6 19:45
tochbing replied at 2014-7-4 19:34
Just giive cotk staff work. And the true will be know soon. Maybe ingrid english was not good. But g ...

1000 player or 1 player with 1000 account
Author: tochbing    Time: 2014-7-7 11:40
Lol. Can u give me example that can show me is mine? Is my brother n my friend id i borrow u say thats me? So funny guys. How can i play 2 or 3 id in same time using android? Can u explain it? Except i borrow my broher phones. Is it ilegal? I think no! Because both all it is vip. N it is imposible i paid for other id. Its better i make my id be vip 3-4. So dont let ur self like kids. No to know what is wrong or true. If u ever see i play on pc or laptop? I dont have money to buy pc and laptop. Okey. Is it clear mr. R4is? The antek antek of Hu Get!
Author: tochbing    Time: 2014-7-7 11:42
So funny if there are 1 player playing 1000 axcounts. Are u crazy man because shu cant push wei n qu again? So u n huget want be on RSJ or it calling Rumah Sakit Jiwa. Thw losser
Author: wheller    Time: 2014-7-7 14:35
sorry i interfere this thread,

in my point of view from the print screen i can tell that Huget is anger with Wu player because 1 player playing 6 ID at WU and Huget very busy he dont want talk with Clone User so he yell "BERISIK!!"

Author: tochbing    Time: 2014-7-7 17:21
Just visit at s12 so u can know the condition. If wu make clones alot we, wu n wei must alliance? U think we are stupid with alliance if we have alot clones? Think it by clear. I know u ate one of shu player maybe
Author: tochbing    Time: 2014-7-7 17:23
Are u stupid or crazy? No body can play 1 people for 1000 accounts. So childish u are. Crazy ! All of us know who is crazy
Author: wOpi    Time: 2014-7-7 17:29

Author: INgrid    Time: 2014-7-7 18:16
pengakuan huget gimana??dia bukannya jujur tuh kalau shu make clone??dan bukannya kalian takut s12 merger ama s11 ??hahahahaaha
Author: iPool    Time: 2014-7-7 18:19
Jiah Bacotbing langsung diem .. Tadi Banyak Mulut di Suapin gambar langsung diem ..
Jangan banyak mulut .. Rusak muka kalo kebanyakan mulut ..
Author: Guan.ping    Time: 2014-7-7 18:39
Jiahh ketahuan tcottbing memalukan....
Mau ke 50% shu aja pake tcottbing pasang 3 id...dasar bocah.
Author: WhiteEl    Time: 2014-7-7 19:22
Shu have a great player like spider , 8 hand and control many acc, you all can see ,shu captured wu chat,
Author: Guan.ping    Time: 2014-7-7 19:40
Si tcoottbing pusing ya mikirin GM klo maen banned??
tenang aja nak.beramal lah yg bnyak
Author: iPool    Time: 2014-7-7 23:16
Kalo kasih bukti yg full gitu dong Nggrid .. gak pake di potong" ..
Author: Guan.ping    Time: 2014-7-8 01:19
Dia mah msih bocah pool maen harvest moon aje sono.apa buka usaha jual beli tuyul 2nd tuh  
Author: tochbing    Time: 2014-7-8 14:52
Wah lue pade. Mana buktinya gua pux clones? Kan gua pinjam id tman. Emang gak bs yah? Tuh bca yg btl capturenya deh. Gue blg pje 3 id. Bkan pakai dodol. Mengerti gak bahasa indonesia. Gua kan dak bilang klo gua dak pinjem id tmn untk main? Yang gua blg gua gak bikin clones. Fine bro? Itu pun sy main sma tmn gua dsmpng  makax capture nya yg lengkap jgn cmn sbgian sama aja fitnah loe di bulan puasa!
Author: tochbing    Time: 2014-7-8 14:53
Bukan gua diam. Musti ka gua hrs bca forum 24 jam gitu. Omg hello emangx loe sapa!
Author: tochbing    Time: 2014-7-8 14:56
Dgn loe capture bgt brrtinya loe pada bikin clone  disetiap negara ssh jelaskan loser. Krna loe smua pda tkt sma kita betul gak ingrid wkwkwkwkwk klo kita pengecut sperti kalian kita jg bs kok bkin clones di negara shu! Bocah sailor moon. Cloners teriak cloning wkwkwk
Author: tochbing    Time: 2014-7-8 15:01
Loe kan blg guq bkn clone. Bukti konkretnya man? Itu capture blm bs jd bkti coy. Karna gak smua loe capture.Anak bayipun tau. Klo clone levelx rendah sprti bos lue blg r4is. Sdngkan id tmn gua lvnya 85 wkwkwk mana bisa gua maining 3 id lv 85 dlm wkt smnggu? Pkran kalian kaxk orang gila aja. Emang gue gak bth wkt utk khdpn real gua? Crazy loe. Lg pula id tman gua smuax vip 3 . Mana mngkn gua mw jdin vip klo clone gua. Mndng di char utama gua klo ada clone gua.
Author: tochbing    Time: 2014-7-8 15:05
Sapa juga yang pusing GM banned id gua. GM tau kok tau kok sapa yang betul sapa yang salah. Buktinya smpe skrg id gua msh ada tuh. Jgn2 kalian takut lagi sma kita smpe ngefitnah kita satu persatu mulai dr gua. Dasar loe pengecut bikin clone dinegara org lqlu blg org yg buat clone. Coxokx bkn Guan ping tp banci ping yah!
Author: Guan.ping    Time: 2014-7-8 15:53
Xixixixi..ngapain gw maen di s12.males keles...ketemu kyknkalian.cuma modal bacot.maen harvest moon aja sono.dasar bocah.maen yg fair lah.its game bro.just fair.
Author: AkuRaPopo    Time: 2014-7-8 16:10
Crewet ae
Author: tochbing    Time: 2014-7-8 17:24
Kita main fair kok bacrit dah bocah harvest. Klo dak tau apa2 jgn banci ping wkwkwk
Author: Guan.ping    Time: 2014-7-8 19:23
Xixixi...banci??bkan nya wu yg bnci maen auto off?tmn gw di wei aja blanh ada zhang ba sama liao ha lbl 70 di guangling td mlm.ngaca deh yg banci sapa keles...xixixi...ups...alliansi sama wei gagal ya??ciiee...pdhal bnyk clone jga.ckckck..semangat dong kk.
Author: WhiteEl    Time: 2014-7-9 01:07
Loh katanya males main di s12, kok bisa capture chatting wu? Dan paham betul suasana di wu? Anda dari silet atau intens? Atau fans wu mungkin?
Author: Guan.ping    Time: 2014-7-9 02:17
Eh white ellen.halo kk...matanya masih ada kah??halooo...yg upload ss nya chat wu sapa??hallooo....wahh wahhh....ckckckck...makanya pnya mata di baca bener dah nick gw spa kk
emang gw fans wu.malu gw wu bnyk clone gt kk di s12.xixixi
Author: MadaraUchiha    Time: 2014-7-9 11:05
Shu s12 seremmmmm..... wei s14 gw dibabat abizzz
Author: BerTham    Time: 2014-7-10 00:29
Edited by BerTham at 2014-7-10 00:31

udahlah ...kl ada waktu buat perang di forum bagus level up aza bier kuat....hahas...
War no 1 presiden no 2....wkwkkwkw

ntar laen kali bier susah buat account...minta aza paspor no ktp...poto 3 x 4....kartu keluarga...tagihan listrik 3 bulan terakhir...bier susah bikin account...kan beres toh...hahahas
Author: INgrid    Time: 2014-7-12 14:28
BerTham replied at 2014-7-10 00:29
udahlah ...kl ada waktu buat perang di forum bagus level up aza bier kuat....hahas...
War no 1 presi ...

xixixixi ngetik apa yoh?

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