Title: Awaken Z yun, Awaken Sun ce or Awaken Jiang Wei [Print this page] Author: Hendy_wizard Time: 2017-8-3 13:55 Title: Awaken Z yun, Awaken Sun ce or Awaken Jiang Wei Hello...would u guys plz share ur thought. around 1k left to 25k awaken token...which one should I buy, guys? Awaken Z Yun, awaken Sun Ce or awaken Jiang Wei? Can u give me ur thought guys the strength and weakness 3 of them? And lets say if we have 3 of them all, and plz share what's the best super suit for them? Thanks. Author: Stmpn Time: 2017-8-5 02:38
If you're on the top of your server and have high skill attack go for a. Zyun. If you're in the lower portion of your server and have high troops count go for a. Sunce. If you have hersbit, high attack, and got no one else to awaken or thing to do go for. A. J. Wei Author: Armweak Time: 2017-8-5 12:10
a.z.jiao is good...Author: Franco Time: 2017-8-6 09:11
S.Ce better, 3 terrain, z yun just good for barb, j wei stupid face jiao, so, S.Ce good invest for future.Author: ccc Time: 2017-8-30 20:45
Awaken zhaoyun.Author: FanofBabes Time: 2017-9-2 19:36
25k cant awake jweiAuthor: g1oria Time: 2017-9-9 00:03
FanofBabes replied at 2017-9-2 19:36
25k cant awake jwei
nope but want to consider a higher option I guess.
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