Title: Two version behind feidou [Print this page] Author: Tcottulysse Time: 2017-8-8 22:31 Title: Two version behind feidou Dear Gm. We are now at two update late compare to feidou . Please act quickly Author: Hendy_wizard Time: 2017-8-10 20:45
actually we have every right to have new update....cause basically our gold also much more expensive than feidou'sAuthor: Tcottulysse Time: 2017-8-11 00:56
For the happy owner of m huo and jia xu seems that they will be awakened next updateAuthor: Aptknack Time: 2017-10-6 08:42
Sorry sir, they are different games I don't know what you are talking about .
Thank you and have a nice day
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