Title: the best server right now [Print this page] Author: Archlavie Time: 2017-8-17 02:12 Title: the best server right now Good evening guys .. can some1 tell me what is the best server .. more players and balance ?? .. thank you Author: Archlavie Time: 2017-8-17 17:36
30 Viewers .. Zero Reply Author: Tcottulysse Time: 2017-8-17 22:21
Dream servor should be in my opinion same amount of player with same luck in ressources wheel refine polish . So only hours of playing and strategic decision for account make differenceAuthor: Elizabeth2000 Time: 2017-8-19 16:54
S47...every harvest avg about 500...very activeAuthor: Memey Time: 2017-8-19 19:35
S57 bro...
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