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Title: Assiege kills [Print this page]

Author: ZhugeJedi    Time: 2017-10-10 23:38
Title: Assiege kills
This baffles me. I'm level 143 and this guy is level 146. Our inits r 9000 and 9600 respectively.

We started assiege the same time, and I used all the buffs.

I killed 12 million, and he did 130 million.

I don't hv zci or sjing. He only has zci, not awaken zci.

How is this possible?
Author: ZhugeJedi    Time: 2017-10-10 23:42
I'm not saying he's hacking.

But what should I improve to bridge this gap. There were other level 146-148s, but they ranged 30 -50 million kills. And some hv sjing too.
Author: Dyolox    Time: 2017-10-11 03:19
Shadowed I’m guessing. After 50 attackers queue up, all after get auto lured by defenders. If he dropped 30 shadows after 50 players/shadows are queued it’s easy.  Add kill orders on top even more so.
Author: ZhugeJedi    Time: 2017-10-11 08:30
If using shadows, it means he's using 6 players (5 + the shadow). He's obviously stronger than me and hv zci and zjiao. But maybe he can kill 5 times more than me or maybe 20% more than the other strong players who's killing 30-50 millions.

Are there other things i can improve? His init is 600 more than me. I also used the Kill Order.
Author: Dyolox    Time: 2017-10-11 09:38
I don’t think you followed me.

Any shadows or players who enter assiege after 50 are already in assiege are auto lured by the npcs. If you dropped 100 shadows 50 would queue and wait their turn patiently to attack the other 50 would auto lure, win duel, re auto lure until dead. I’ve seen players do this and get all 200m kills for mhuo in 15minutes.  

This is also how some countries finish assiege in minutes.

When you did assiege did you guys have over 50 player or shadows waiting their turn to fight?
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2017-10-11 11:37
Special heroes arent the deciding factor to have high kills in assiege.
Basically 1 person can complete assiege if you spam shadows, as stated above 1st 50 shadows doesn't do auto lure. 51st shadow onwards will auto lure till no troops.
Author: ZhugeJedi    Time: 2017-10-11 23:53
Dyolox, fanofbabes. I get it now. THANKS

No wonder a player with init lower than me 300, got 3 times more kills than me.

Thanks for sharing this 'secret'. Assiege, here I come !
Author: Johnson88888    Time: 2017-10-23 22:26
If you have awaken dchan... BEST!!! U shadow her at Asseige... I can confirm your killing rank will be top few... Cos she steal row and skill back.

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