Title: Suspicious GM ids, around the servers [Print this page] Author: tmithedgar Time: 2017-10-11 19:24 Title: Suspicious GM ids, around the servers There’s couple ids that suddenly did a ridiculous upgrades just in short time..., I’m 100% sure that the ids is a game developer’s ids that just want to make us the real players to RC and RC more and more try to beat the “ghost” gm’s ids. That is impossible to win over it, no matter how much we Recharged. Just check out the id at server 1 that just normal until last 1-2 months ago and had some just ridiculous upgrades. Server 54 ,server 39 (very low level id but just have almost all of the special heroes), server 32. I’m pretty sure that there’s at least 1 id in every server or even in every country of the server.
I’m posting this thread because i want the GM just let us the real players to have a fair play. You already ripping us off by putting the price so high compares to chinese, thai, taiwanese servers.
PLEASE EXPLAIN TO US GM!!! Even if they did an illegal rc how come you just banned other ids not the id that just look at it and everyone know that is obviously abnormal... Author: Daveltl76 Time: 2017-10-12 00:25
I knew it!!! There’s must be something fishy... Author: Tcottulysse Time: 2017-10-12 12:48
JUST beat suspicious id Author: Xielim Time: 2017-10-14 22:59
JUST beat suspicious id
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