Title: wu s3 server competition [Print this page] Author: MadaraUchiha Time: 2014-7-9 21:53 Title: wu s3 server competition This kingdom is full of BOTS! They have a 'pussy' family that can auto duel my heroes. Their id are Pussylips, cockNpussy, Youngpussy, Shavepussy, TightPussy, LousyPussy, WAH pussy and maybe many more 'pussy'. I'm here not saying bad things... sorry... but these bots are very annoying and resulted in a 16-3 loss when fighting wei s14. Thank you. Regards, Natsu S14
Author: sasaalan Time: 2014-7-28 22:57
i am from s3 shu. now you know our patience in fighting those bots in s3 wu. these bots you mention does not limit to those. there are a lot more than you can imagine. unfortunately, the gm overlooked it from the start till todate. cant do anything other than doing the same as them.
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