Title: Awaken Sunce or Awaken j.Wei?? [Print this page] Author: H.Y.Cen Time: 2017-12-25 13:53 Title: Awaken Sunce or Awaken j.Wei?? Hi Experts,
Need your advise. Which is better between a.sunce and a.jwei?Author: ivy1188 Time: 2017-12-25 15:01
Anybody please answer ??Author: Birdwarne Time: 2017-12-25 21:09
I choose moneyAuthor: chelumser Time: 2017-12-26 11:57
A. Sunce betterAuthor: chelumser Time: 2017-12-26 11:57
All terrain can help u @ ins n bioAuthor: TwinPeaks Time: 2017-12-27 09:47
Awaken z.yun betterAuthor: Franco Time: 2017-12-28 17:22
awaken z rhong la better, free lolAuthor: slavian Time: 2018-3-1 10:47
no one in top hero use aw sunce,,,almost all use aw jwei.
for low vip and middle char better use awsunce,
for hight vip better use awjwei.
because if awjwei, u need alot equip for make him strong.
thanks,,,,Author: WangLieHom Time: 2018-3-11 22:02
God ganning better
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