Title: Lv 85 and still cant siege. No more siege available [Print this page] Author: Blanc Time: 2013-12-23 00:15 Title: Lv 85 and still cant siege. No more siege available Ign : LeBlanc
Its written that we need to be lv 85 to get siege reward. Pls fix this asap.
ThxAuthor: Blanc Time: 2013-12-23 21:00
Hello mr athur please give explanationAuthor: Athur Time: 2013-12-24 17:00
Hello LeBlanc,
There is a little BUG about Siege rewards. But it won't affect you claim the rewards. You can claim 1000 cities rewards between Lv 81 and Lv 85.
We check your account and find that you claim the 1000 rewards at 2013-12-09 20:52:17 (GMT +8). With the rewards, your level boost up from Lv 82 to Lv 83.Author: Blanc Time: 2013-12-24 20:09
Thx for the reply, i know about that bro.
But at lvl 85 i should be able to continue collecting city kills, but now it stuck at 1000 sieges.
I believe we can continue to next siege reward at lv 85.
Am i wrong? Can u please double check about it?
Thx, xiexie, arigato
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