Recently many people in our server have been quitting. Tbis is not just due to gold but due to people using auto off and large amounts of double accounts to win events. However itd be one thing if its just affecting events but its affecting the duel and siege for resources as well. How can we get 550 duel wins when it takes 5 mins to get through the auto off nonsense for one city and most the time theres only 2 generals so no dueling. Same goes for winning tickets or clovers. During events especially the city siege we face the same issue. Since its pretty obvious the issue of 9 accounts for some people cant be solved maybe take auto off out of the country war portion or dock experience. But seriously you got to do something because im watching people leave left and right and quite honestly i cant say i blame them with the high gold prices and lack of chances to get decent items im finding the game not even worth it for us vip 9 players.
Your advice is very precious and will be forwarded to ppl concerned and discussed by them. However, the problem can't be solved at present. Thanks for your advice.