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Athur replied at 2015-3-10 11:16 
Sir, pls provide his ign and server, thx
Dear GM Arthur,
Their IGN is ArJnaNysaR , CaoYung and SKyDown from Server 15 Wu country, below are the screen shots of country chat that shows;
(Screen SHot 1) -- Skydown ask players to send login infos to ArJnaNysaR and CaoYung.
(Screen Shot 2 & 3) -- blurguy mentioned what ArJnaNysaR and his Ghost Ids controlled how will play on Tourney.
(Screen Shot 4) -- blurguy mentioed how many Ids are control and playing by ArJnaNYsaR, at lease 8 EIGHT IDS
(Screen Shot 5) -- Shows that those Server 15 Wu IDS which report to GM on the 25/02/2015 been hacked are not true, it was Wu players internal matter that they give out login to each other and also it shows that they are techically lost those IDS. GM they are lying to you. This is very seriously matter.
I sincerely hope GM take this matter and this kind of acvitities seriously as it is not comply with COTK rules. I stongly ask GM to penalies these ID casue it makes the game unbalance on and not fair to other palyers on country, world map and tourney events.
Thanks |
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