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Hi GM,
I'm EmperorHan from S17 WU.
There are a 2 main issues i want to highlight;
1) Imbalance of 3 Country.
I know this is not the 1st time it has been highlighted. But as of now, the issue has not been resolved yet. The merging is not really working too. Mainly because most servers are overhelmed by SHUs.
As such, i would like to propose a Server merge.
For every server, the 3 countries will merged to become 1 country. Eg, S1 become SHU, S2 become WEI, S3 become WU and so on..
In this way, regardless of the numbers of players and VIP lvls, there should not be a big difference.
There are also some players(Especially SHU) do not mind going to other countries. Open up the option to them. it will help to balance the game.
2) Auto Off
While i know Auto Off is for players to fight manually and use skill attack at a better time, it has been misuse heavily in S17.
Players use clones or 2nd ID to engage you in a battle. then they auto off so that you will be stuck in that battle. THe main ID will freely roam and kill at the other cities.
Also, they park all the heros at the gateway(Eg, wooxian, Jiangxia, guiyang etc) and mass auto off. you will never get to invade at all.
The whole purpose of the game is to enjoy the fighting, lvl up, use new heroes and so on.
Because of that, some of my friends are quitting(some quitted). I have been logging in to help them maintain their IDs and at the same time, persuading them to come back. If this issues are not solve, I will be playing this game alone. And i cant see myself doing that.
Dear GM, i hope you can look into the matters and resolved it soon.
Best Regards
EmperorHan |