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Tiger Suit Problem

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Post time 2015-1-5 23:29:37 |Show the author posts only |Descending
After trying to get whole tigee suit i meet problem that tiger suit is just useless paper untill all equipment that required is match, but this thing is not mentioned clearly in Suit explanation. When i read on forum GM give info about basic attribute and ultimate attribute but not define well what is it. I thought that basic attribute is get when sacrificed 6 equipment with 4* to make suit worked. And Ultimate Attribute get when sacrificed 6 equipment with 4* that match with requirement.. Because of blur statement, maybe some people that same idea with me buy this suit for getting basic attributes n then see nothing change n see tiger, divine, dragon suit as useless paper only.
Please Heyshell give solution to give option selling Tiger Fragment back into voucher, or Change Suit system to give bonus attribute n can be suit with another kind of equipment that not follow requirement.  If need to make all same need very long time to get, and people who already buy that suit will stress because it very useless thing with very expensive price except when meet reuirement.. Thanks.








Rank: 1

Post time 2015-1-6 00:01:33 |Show the author posts only
There some argument to give option selling back to voucher from Tiger suit i think..
1. There a possibility that player ancident buying that, mean when ancident buy then that scroll will be useless.. 9000 voucher = 900 gold at least.
2. Some people maybe missundestanding about how tiger suit work, and realized when already complete a sef of suit. When this happen mean 36.000 voucher = 3600 gold or 180 days playing cotk iN arena top 20, and will be useless paper.
3. Not Have Detailled explanation what happen if suit not complete Yet. And Also explanation have some meaning depend on how people read. GM should really care about choosing word that can give detail informatiin n make people understand.
4. Option for reselling Suit not make Heyshell Lost Anything I think.
5. We already HOPE n Saving voucher some month to buy because of missunderstanding and in last after know real meaning we cant do anthink with that scroll. Our feeling is very bad when know what we hope is wrong and no way to turn back.. By Reselling option we can At least get our voucher back.
6. To make equipement same with requirement is based on luck, mean if no luck even play till Heyshell collapse or bancrupcy will also cant enjoy that suit, this mean what spended in Suit will useless n just make feel lazy to play again. 36.000 voucher can make 72.000.000 iron, or 360.000 super iron, that can add power very significant.. If because of missunderstanding become useless paper mean power will drop significantly n will left behind far with another player.. 36.000 voucher is not small amount of money needed to get.
Using this argument please give solution how to process Suit. I give suggestion giving option reselling for vouche or Suit can use not only required equipment but if not same with required equipment then bonus will decreased.. By This way at least This useless Suit Scroll not wasted in Bag, n Voucher that spended not wasted..  Thank You Very Much, n please reply soon before some player retired because of this problem. 2 Acc at least will retired soon for sure if no solution for this suit.. And maybe will more n more ppl retired again because more imballance will happen.








Rank: 1

Post time 2015-1-6 00:31:54 |Show the author posts only
Yes i support what chaos said above .. 2 acc will be retired cause their hope in this suits to get guojia..
hope GM will see and read what chaos said. if no then consequence of many people will retired for playing clash.








Rank: 1

Post time 2015-1-6 13:06:08 |Show the author posts only
Edited by ChaosAge at 2015-1-6 13:24

Maybe need to post in everywhere Since GM not interest in player problem? Server problem got respon fast, future problem that will rise soon after alot of people start need to buy suit or interest in buying suit later will solved, n first ppl who try will get punished because trying.. Nice idea..
Voucher for tiger suit, and another suit all is just wasting gold except for lucky one who hv complete all set.. So dont spend $ for suit or u will regret it. Voucher 36K if gold used for gem or iron will result better.. dont let heyshell suck real money for game if what u get from game lot of sad than fun.. We spend lot of time to play, but every meet problem, no one try solving problem, then why we wasting time? Effort that make from first time playing this game till now will wasted.. Imagine player play to help country to become stronger, because of wanna trying new stuff for make stronger to help in event now end in useless, S17 still young servee, 36.000 voucher is huge amount, if then become decoration in bag this will make sick only... So please give option to sell back into voucher again.
I think many error in this game, wrong information given by GM, and also blur information that make people missunderstand and make regret when choose do somethink because thar info. But so far i post no one my complain get solved.. Only arena bug repaired after loooonggg times waiting... My country upg error last time no reply and no solving also no compensation. My Acc and some of player bug, stuck in server competition also nvr get reply and nvr solved, then why give place for giving comment and reporting bug also suggestion if all word here just for decoration???
Complain and suggest nvr got attention and rarely solved = make upset only.








Rank: 1

Post time 2015-1-6 13:59:47 |Show the author posts only
Here is what make me decide saving voucher for suit. In this suit we can see basic attribute bonus and in forum list ultimate attribute thAt give higher bonus attribute compared with basic one, GM mention about 6 4* equipment but not tell what happen if suit not complete. As normal people i see this mean as if we use 6 4* equipment, we will get bonus only from basic attribute when using tiger suit in hero, while if using same with equip requirement we will get bonus from ultimate attribute... basic mean pure without anything, while ultimate got if me meet requirment.. My way of reading post right? Any explanation from GM  what meaning of basic attribute?
Because of this problem, i cant get guojia, and i lost my 36.000 voucher, soon i will lost more and more because kicked in arena top 50, also longer time get guojia that can help my country in world map war. So please give me my 36.000 voucher back and give people option for resell tiger suit scroll that already bought..
If you let this problem not solved, then i think no need to spend gold anymore for everything new system because will give problem only because of lack information given also no way to turn back after once click.. Thanks..


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Rank: 1

Post time 2015-1-8 00:57:07 |Show the author posts only
Hmmm.. i think Heyshell will just see n let it go.. Because he think after people ancident buy suit then will spend more real money to buy this game gold for refining till get suit?.Very nice thinking.. appreciate how they make ppl spend money to game..
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