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How much did you spend on this game?

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Post time 2014-7-27 10:03:27 |Show the author posts only |Descending
Edited by Jsnazz at 2014-7-27 13:25

I only spend $1 on the promotion that let you get back100% in return for your investment and I never have the urge to spend any money on this game again. Why? because I noticed this game require little to no skill to play and it was all about making a solid build and letting the auto attack perk doing all the work.

On my journey I able to defeat some of the top spenders on my server with my $1 build and I'm quite happy with my accomplisment.

Now my journey end because the game get old for me where I was basically doing the same thing over and over again.

The worst part was having to face 130+ clones in city siege while the clone users have to deal with bots.  Server competation on the other hand is a joke since its a bots racing to see who can spam lure the fastest and it was always an loopsided battle where one side has more players than the other side. My suggestion: it should be a "whole server vs other server" and not just wei vs shu etc.

server pride baby!

/constructive feedbacks


Here are some of my accompliments on Server 8.

IGN LauJing


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