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Dear GM,
Im from Shu S12 and we have been playing fine until sore losers started making excuses, they say we use clones to win, but the funny fact is im too busy to play clones to attack others and so are many of my players as i chat with them daily, i also have my work to do, and rather pay to play. Then wu and wei allied against us, which is normal. But they started making 3-6 ID per player to start siege cities and assault, which is FREE, unlike many of our player who are higher VIP's.
Now then they accuse Shu of having multiple accounts to WIN, and i know we do not as i chat with them daily, but sore losers always make many excuses. The funny thing is they just ASSUMED we do, and started spamming free accounts. The thing i hate the most is that it's so annoying that you cannot prove who is the REAL loser using multi's, because this game allows multi's so easily. I play many games and spend a lot, was VIP 10 in Chaos of Three Kingdom, and no need mention this one what VIP i am. It's damn annoying is that those freebies can make so many free accounts to play unfairly.
I hope GM can do something about it, to at least make it harder for people to make new accounts and wipe em. A few ways are:
1) Check if multiple same ID playing from same IP.
2) Make some verification method so people can only have one account in one device (Mobage does that a lot and it works).
3) The problem is PC, those ppl are using multiple browsers to make ID and play at once. Why I know? Because i was in Chaos of TK and many player does that. The thing is in Chaos TK, 10 FREE ID stand nothing against ONE high VIP players, but here, in Clash of TK, numbers win, and FREE, that is plain cheating. Sooner or later you will lose your really paying customer. Now im not sure how you can limit this, but maybe try email or facebook verification.
Note: I have nothing against FREE players, as they make the game fun, but misusing the game mechanics and making multi's are the ones i'm talking about. Based on my experience, game dev's dont respond fast because they don't really care bout the players, just the money, and i might end up quitting sooner or later when these free ones spam those free accounts to siege.
Oh and those annoying comments are from Wu, if they comment below, just check their VIP level and check if they have multi's. If GM erase multi, I will be glad to know to PROVE that they LOST sorely based on the fact that there are MANY players are in SHU, not multi's. I noticed a SUDDEN increase in the number of players in Wu and Wei in the past 3 days, please check the validity of the new accounts.
Now if you are also a VIP player, please help to approve and give suggestion. I'm sick of sore losers accusing us, as i'm busy enough at work so i can earn and spend on what i like, and those losers with no life end up making many free accounts to compensate from paying event a cent. This game is supposed to be fun, but this way, no point paying more.