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At the moment, the Legion ability is pointless for anyone to use. So I suggest a rework of this feature.
The current rate is 10 gold to create one and is upwards of up to 330 gold to deploy. For the common player, they will NEVER use this and even for paying players such as myself, will never use it as it is just an obscure price for a chance to hopefully turn around 1 battle or amass a nice "legion" to defend 1 city. It guarantees no victory nor does it have a provide other additional benefits beyond that one instance. Sure, the creator gets "huge XP" gains, but does anyone ever use this for that reason? Does anyone ever use this at all?
So here is my idea. This is a game of war, that lacks the ability for allies to effectively communicate. Beyond the chat room, players have nothing. Legion would passively help allies create attack/defend points effectively without communicating and give this game a little more feel of unity and teamwork if the price is right. All players have a chance of receiving daily gold so leave the 10 gold price to create a Legion as it is, but scale the ability to deploy with silver. 15-25k per joined player should be fine. Also, the players that can join legions cannot surpass the level of the person who created it. Finally, give the creator the ability to choose how many players he/she wants involved so they can keep the price of their legion within their price range so gold isn't waisted because said player can't afford to deploy them. Overall it would look like this.
Create Legion: 10 gold
Max Generals: 30
Min Price: 15-20k gold per General
Assault: Free (keep the same abilities)
Defend: See Assualt
Disband: No cost, but no refund on gold
1) Joining Players cannot exceed Lvl of Creator
2) Legions must be deployed within 30 minutes of creation, failure to do so will be forced to disband and gold will not be refunded
3) If creator over exceeded his silver to pay to deploy, said player can pay the rest off with gold or kick members to fit his/her limitations
4) no limit to how many legions can be deployed to a location