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Edited by MeiHua at 2014-7-15 18:58
Seriously, someone needs to look into it. It only takes Microsoft Word. This's what I've noticed in four days of play - I'm sure I've missed more.
Grammar is something else entirely, obviously..
- CoTK's front page (there's no excuse for this, guys) - 'Forum' not 'Fourm'
- Recharge: Mall - 'Upgrade to VIP' not 'Upgrad to VIP'
- Connection error message - 'You have a connection problem' not 'You have a connrction problem'
- Liegemen screen - '....when summoning an Epic one.' not '...when summoning an Eipc one.'
- Hero Camp: Combo I - Verbal Battle (I think that's what you're getting at) not Veral Battle
- Trial Tower message - 'AA successfully passed...' not 'AA successfully pass....'
Some sentences are really clunky (like the conversations when your character is convincing a hero to join you - really awkward)...others are just not grammatically correct (the Summon Record should say 'Country.AA summoned the Legendary Hero XYZ' rather than 'Country.AA summon the Legendary Hero XYZ')...and others probably comes under false representation (Task Bonus Login page: Zhu Rong is 'best hero'...really, guys? Also, on that same page, 'Each reward can be only got claimed ONCE' is NOT grammatically correct. 'Each reward can be only claimed ONCE' is better.)
I really like the gameplay so far, and there're some great people here, but the errors detract from the overall experience (and bring out the grammar Nazi in me). |