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[Strategy][S3~KomandanWu]Easily defeating Lu Xun

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Post time 2015-9-17 23:13:54 |Show the author posts only |Descending
Edited by Magician at 2015-9-18 09:38

S3 - KomandanWu

Here I have 3 way to get Luxun ( need not suit )

I. If you have 2-3 or more immu set with arm at least 113 top you can easily get that. (attack 46xx def 22-23xx)
II. If you have 5-6 immu equipment you need to get full arm or lantern to block (attack 52xx def 24xx)
III. If you're non VIP player and almost no Immu no lantern and almost never use voucher for lantern/iron/s.iron/etc
you need to make full arm+zfei and maybe Zyun +at least 24 star horcrux (attack 52-57xx def 24-25xx)

I. if you have immu 2-3 set or more:
          Xuchu   Dwei  Zhou Yu  Guojia   Machao  Zfei(no need but if you have that nice too) Ztai & lmeng (enough to make Lmeng lvl 80 no need to foster )
   Line Up : Xuchu  -   Dwei /Z Fei  -  Guojia    - Zhou Yu - Machao   
   2. L.tong
   Line Up : Xuchu  -   Dwei /Z Fei  -  Guojia    - Zhou Yu - Machao
   3. G.Yong
   Line Up : Xuchu  -   Dwei /Z Fei  -  Guojia    - Zhou Yu - Machao
   4 J.qin
   Line Up : Xuchu  -   Dwei /Z Fei  -  Guojia    - Zhou Yu - Machao
   5. Z.tai
   Line Up : Xuchu  -   Guojia    - Zfei/Zyu/Machao - Ztai - Lmeng
   Because Ztai can do splash damage try to make your Ztai and Lmeng skill hit Ztai
   6. D.feng
   Line Up : Xuchu  -   Dwei /Z Fei  -  Guojia    - Zhou Yu - Machao/Zfei
   You must make Zyu block Dfeng and his skill hit Dfeng
   7. X.Sheng
   line Up : Xuchu  -   Dwei /Z Fei  -  Guojia    - Zhou Yu - Machao/Zfei
   You must make Zyu block X.Sheng and his skill hit X.Sheng so your last row hero can beat X.Sheng easily
   8. Z.G.Jin
  Line Up : Xuchu  -   Guojia    - Zfei/Zyu/Machao - Ztai - Lmeng
   Try to make your Ztai and Lmeng skill hit Ztai
  9. L.Meng
   Line Up : Xuchu - Dwei/Zfei - Guojia - Zhou Yu - Machao/Zfei
   Here need block (Xuchu+Dwei/Zfei) block 2nd npc and Guojia rebound 3+4th gen and Zhouyu Block 5th gen
  10. Lu Xun
  Line Up : Xuchu  -   Guojia    - Zfei/Zyu/Machao - Ztai - Lmeng

II. if you have immu 1 set +lantern (to block hero especially for Z.Yu):

          Xuchu   Dwei  Zhou Yu  Guojia   Machao  Zfei (optional) Ztai & lmeng (
enough to make Lmeng lvl 80 no need to foster )
   formation almost same and use immu for X.Chu/Gjia in city stage and lantern (if you have 1 give it to your 4th hero to block last npc)
   Line Up : Xuchu  -   Dwei /Z Fei  -  Guojia    - Zhou Yu - Machao   
   2. L.tong
   Line Up : Xuchu  -   Dwei /Z Fei  -  Guojia    - Zhou Yu - Machao
   3. G.Yong
   Line Up : Xuchu  -   Dwei /Z Fei  -  Guojia    - Zhou Yu - Machao
   4 J.qin
   Line Up : Xuchu  -   Dwei /Z Fei  -  Guojia    - Zhou Yu - Machao
   5. Z.tai
   Line Up : Xuchu  -   Guojia    - Zfei/Zyu/Machao - Ztai - Lmeng
   Because Ztai can do splash damage try to make your Ztai and Lmeng skill hit Ztai
   6. D.feng
   Line Up : Xuchu  -   Dwei /Z Fei  -  Guojia    - Zhou Yu - Machao/Zfei
   You must make Zyu(give lantern if you have) block Dfeng and his skill hit Dfeng
   7. X.Sheng
   line Up : Xuchu  -   Dwei /Z Fei  -  Guojia    - Zhou Yu - Machao/Zfei
   You must make Zyu(give lantern if you have) block X.Sheng and his skill hit X.Sheng so your last row hero can easily beat X.Sheng
   8. Z.G.Jin
  Line Up : Xuchu  -   Guojia    - Zfei/Zyu/Machao - Ztai - Lmeng
   Try to make your Ztai and Lmeng skill hit Ztai
  9. L.Meng
   Line Up : Xuchu - Dwei/Zfei - Guojia - Zhou Yu - Machao/Zfei
   Here need block (Xuchu+Dwei/Zfei) block 2nd npc and Guojia rebound 3+4th gen and Zhouyu Block 5th gen
  10. Lu Xun
  Line Up : Xuchu  -   Guojia    - Zfei/Zyu/Machao - Ztai - Lmeng

III. If you're non VIP player and almost no Immu (1 immu only in this case) beside that most of equipments are harm, tactic, trick, ironwall, have some block, defend and attack also.

no lantern and lazy to use your voucher.

you need to make full arm+zfei (must have) and maybe Zyun(optional) +at least 24 star horcrux , def lvl 6, stormlvl 14, mecha lvl1, cavalry lvl5
almost same formation except if you have Zyun. (attack 52-57xx def 24-25xx)
   Line Up : Xuchu  -   Dwei /Z Fei  -  Guojia    - Zhou Yu - Machao   
   2. L.tong
   Line Up : Xuchu  -   Dwei /Z Fei  -  Guojia    - Zhou Yu - Machao
   3. G.Yong
   Line Up : Xuchu  -   Dwei /Z Fei  -  Guojia    - Zhou Yu - Machao
   4 J.qin
   Line Up : Xuchu  -   Dwei /Z Fei  -  Guojia    - Zhou Yu - Machao
   5. Z.tai
   Line Up : Xuchu  -   Guojia    - Zfei/Zyu/Machao - Ztai - Lmeng
   Because Ztai can do splash damage try to make your Ztai and Lmeng skill hit Ztai
   6. D.feng
   Line Up : Xuchu  -   Dwei /Z Fei  -  Guojia    - Zhou Yu - Machao/Zfei
   You must make Zyu(give lantern if you have) block Dfeng and his skill hit Dfeng
   7. X.Sheng
   line Up : Xuchu  -   Dwei /Z Fei  -  Guojia    - Zhou Yu - Machao/Zfei
   You must make Zyu(give lantern if you have) block X.Sheng and his skill hit X.Sheng so your last row hero can beat X.Sheng easily
   8. Z.G.Jin
  Line Up : Xuchu  -   Guojia    - Zfei/Zyu/Machao - Ztai - Lmeng
   Try to make your Ztai and Lmeng skill hit Ztai
  9. L.Meng
   Line Up : Xuchu - Zfei - Guojia - Zhou Yu - Machao
   Here my X.Chu only reach until 3rd row of first npc, Zfei must block 2nd npc and make Zfei die together with 2nd npc (I took off 3 equipment) so your Gjia can block 3rd +4th npc. I was lucky enough to reach here but because of sudden dc so my zyu didn't use his skill to Lmeng and my Mchao not strong enough to finish full L.Meng

Then I got Zyun

top arms 124, btm arm still lvl87 gem lvl 12

   Line Up : Xuchu - Zyun - Guojia - Zhou Yu - Machao/Zfei
   Here my X.Chu only reach until 3rd row of first npc need Zyun block 2nd +3rd npc and Guojia rebound 4th gen and Zhouyu Block 5th gen and make his skill hit L.Meng so your last hero (zfei/Mchao) can kill L.Meng
Honestly almost kill L.Meng but because human error push wrong button.
At last consider almost get Lord and quite happy with new Zyun (afraid to get bore because still long way to Guanyu), so decide won't use Luxun this time or waste any soul for a while.

Another great shot from Heyshell
Thx Heyshell for your hardwork to make this game very exciting.
Especially last update "dark arisen"and expedition event.

S3 - KomandanWu


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Post time 2015-9-18 10:14:41 |Show the author posts only
Edited by .007. at 2015-9-18 10:18

So how do you provide Guide if you don't have Luxun yet?
If its all based on assumption then that's not enough. otherwise you will be taking other players' guide and made it yours own.

If you have 2 immune set everyone know you will have an easy ride on this instances, you can get it before your Zhang fei is out.
If you have 1 immune, your arma, gems, liegement will play a big role here. You probably won't get it till your Zhang fei is out if you are lacking on stats for arma, gems and liegement.
That's the basic information that we all know. But the reality is hard to get immune equip. I have spent thousands of gold and still no luck on immune set.
With Max arma top and bottom, full polish 36 stars, minimum lvl 10 on most hocrux and lvl 13 storm, and lvl 12 gems on all 6 slots, you will still had a hard time getting Luxun.
You will stuck at Lmeng which plains terrain. Been there and done that. and wasting millons of souls.

So I will give an advise instead of guidance for those trying to pass Luxun. Don't start Luxun instances if you don't have 2 immune set or at least 1 immune set.
with 2 immune set you will still need 500k souls considering trial and error and you can start it right away at lvl 113.
1 immune set will set you back over 1millon souls and you do need Zfei/Wenji/ssx.
With no immune set, unless you have caocao/zyun you will wasting alot of souls and time here. so move on and focus on your leveling.








Rank: 1

Post time 2015-9-18 12:11:38 |Show the author posts only

I have only 4 immu, no zfei, horcrux 32, only storm lvl 10+, max arms, no lantern
attack def avg 5400 / 2400. i got my lx and helped several friends getting their lx.
I used dchan instead of dwei and different formation

so i advise u dont give advise if u dont know what u r doing. instead judging other's guideline, why dont u make ur own









Rank: 1

Post time 2015-9-18 13:17:27 |Show the author posts only
kom bantuin gw dong. masih mentok di xsheng








Rank: 1

Post time 2015-9-18 15:31:10 |Show the author posts only

I only stating the fact that if you havent completed Luxun yet dont provide a guideline. Simple as it is. I dont give a guidelines coz I havent completed Luxun instances. I only give friendly advice to new players seeking for guidelines. My advices will save them weeks of trying and lost of millions of food and souls. You better read my post till the end before you attacking me.

This event is not about winning 300 gold but providing guidelines for new user. Simple as that. So GM better check the player if they really completed Luxun before they choose the winners.








Rank: 1

Post time 2015-9-18 15:39:12 |Show the author posts only
Edited by .007. at 2015-9-18 15:40

I have pass 9 stages  with no immune equip at all.  So no need to boast here if u got luxun with 4 immunes. If u got 4 immune plus those stats but cant get luxun, then something is wrong with ur playing. I help someone with 6300 innit getting Luxun with no immune equip at all, he only need Caocao and wenji.








Rank: 1

Post time 2015-9-18 19:55:05 |Show the author posts only
Edited by Magician at 2015-9-19 06:34

If you don't like other people guideline, thats ok.
If I don't make a research how can I know so detail about average attack, def and also all atributes they have.
Did you see similar post from other people include formation, and all attributes they have?
If you think you have better experience why not write your own review, you can write with atributes you have you still can't get that and it can help other people too.
I know to critic other people hardwork's much more easier than make your own.
If I only want to cheat, why i honestly wrote that i failed, because I know i can easily get him.
I only want to share my own experience, is that a mistake? everyone have their own characteristic to play this.
Noone guarantee other people trick will be usefull for other players, we can see from many guidelines every players have their own style. We all know that all of the guidelines are for "reference" only.
If you can't get Luxun although your hero very strong maybe thats about luck.
Glad that you really want Luxun and read all guidelines, but hope your desperate won't hurt other people feeling.
Not only me, other people already made an effort to write. Hope you will appreciate
Is that worth to disturb other player effort for 300 gold /$16 only?
Thats small amount if we can enjoy such a great game like this.
I'm happy that many people concern about this. So its mean the developer do a great job to make players satisfy and think like part of this COTK family.
We all already knew that there're many 3kingdom games and also other language version of this COTK (mainland chinese, taiwanese, vietnamese, japanese and many other version) maybe with better offer but we still choose heyshell (COTK with english version).
Its mean we really love the environment we have here especially interaction with other people in the game.
Argue/debate is good, but remember all of us are an intelligent people so please make a good manner.
I really enjoy this game and the people in my server, especially S3 Wu family. It really make me happy after daily high pressure activity. If you want to discuss you can visit us too. We have many great people there that already helped other people to get special inst heroes. They're also more skillfull than me and like to share each other like rwin, Suntzu, and many more.
I don't know why they dont write review here, maybe they have their own reason.
Let's make friend not enemy  and keep good environment so everyone will comfortable
Thank for your concern, hope I'm not hurt anyone's feeling

nb: Like you said immune is very hard to get, already spent thousands gold +hundreds advance refine but only get 1 immu.
      But some friends can easily get 2-3 set immu. Thats why i make detail guidance for player that don't have / only have 1 immu.


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Post time 2015-9-18 20:04:32 |Show the author posts only
AngelCC replied at 2015-9-18 13:17
kom bantuin gw dong. masih mentok di xsheng

ok, nanti kl sempat aku cek in attribute nya








Rank: 1

Post time 2015-9-18 22:10:39 |Show the author posts only

i am not attacking you. The whole purpose of this guideline event is to help people get lx
i simply dont understand why you are trying to discourage people of trying lx instance?

"So I will give an advise instead of guidance for those trying to pass Luxun. Don't start Luxun instances if you don't have 2 immune set or at least 1 immune set."

i dont boast. i only stated that your theory of discouraging people is wrong. if you really want to help people then help with your own way








Rank: 1

Post time 2015-9-18 22:18:28 |Show the author posts only
best regards from me who not yet getting guo jia,zhou yu,lu xun,sun ce
anyway i am still working without "immune" set,lantern
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