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Strategy of defeating Sun Ce with Guo Jia tank

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Post time 2016-3-4 00:17:43 |Show the author posts only |Descending
Edited by Corvinus at 2016-3-16 14:25

One word before all the rest. Preparation. You have to prepare for this instance from the moment you get Lu Xun and you´ll be not surprised or to put it better you´ll be surprised how easy this instance is. Don´t need to wait for Guan Yu. Try to collect experience book and wood (I recommend to collect wood through level 122 and experience book from the moment you have Zhang Fei on lvl 80) so that you are able to level up Zhao Yun immediately after get him as fast as you can. Final advise is to take all the levels between Lu Xun and Sun Ce as preparation for Sun Ce.

General useful tips for Sun Ce instance:

1.      Armament:  All your armament must be full. End of discussion.

2.      Polish : 28 stars necessary,anything above is advantage.

3.      Immu:  You will need at least one full Immu set. I recommendto use it in the way you see in article 4 at least in first seven stages. Asfor the additional Immu, the more the better. My guess, or to put it better,hunch, is one full immu set means 500-800 lower attack necessary for instance, although I can not prove this. I think this instance is possible to pass even with lower Immu but higher attack/harm rate for Guo Jia.  

4.      Tank: From the moment I understood the main problem of Immu equip is vulnerability to skill, I thought it would be great if some general wearing Immu was able to block or reflect anything...and there was the idea of making Guo Jia into tank. The main star of this show will be Guo Jia. Use full Immu set (or as many Immu as you have combined with Harm or Attack – because if you lack Immunity you have to kill fast to reflect longer) for Guo Jia so that he can reflect as long aspossible. Once you have Guo Jia equipped with full Immu set, Storm at least 26%, Force of 93 (Top Lantern or Top Superlantern, Liegeman +3 +3 combo and Star Atlas Dragon 14) and Attack at least 6200 Guo Jia should rebound first four to five NPCs at least in first 7 stages and definitely first three in the stages with all terrain enemies. If you test this tank in arena and Trial tower you´ll be satisfied. I have to say, this tank helped me go through Tiger11-14 Star atlas map before I had Zhao Yun. And some statistics, if you are not convinced yet to obtain your own tank: In the instance my Guo Jia reflected all 5 NPCs in two stages (1 and 3), 4 NPCs in 6 stages (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10) and 3 NPCs in two stages (8, 9). As the durability of Guo Jia depens on tactic your oponent chooses, I recommend to use mostly countertactic to terrain tactics of your oponent. I know if I stick to this advice, there could be more 5 reflection stages. Even weaker tanks can do miracles, you just have to find way to compensate less Immu with higher attack/harm rate or higher Storm than mine (I think 30% Storm would do for 4-5 Immu and attack 100 higher than mine).

5.      Star Atlas :  Most of the time you are gonna use at least two heroes who doesn´t need skill attack and skill defense (Guo Jia + MaChao/Wenji). But in case of Guo Jia I recommend to get at least Tiger 1 as you need huge attack for Guo Jia and you´ll not be able to get force 93 without Dragon 14 so Dragon 14 is minimum for Guo Jia. Equiping Guo Jia with Tiger 1 Star atlas gave me overall attack of 6325 in start of the Sun Ce instance. As for other generals anything above Dragon 9 is OK except of Ma Chao/Wenji where Dragon 5 is fine as Ma Chao has brutal force status and Wenji is 3 row splitter and both will do their job only if final boss was blocked.

6.      Equip: As always I rely on Attack/Harm combination with some Defense for damage dealers (Ma Chao, Wenji, ZhangFei, Zhao Yun) and some Tactic/Trick for Casters/Blockers ( Lu Xun, Zhou Yu). I didn´t use skill protection at all, because of having my tank.

7.      Horcruxes: Get your Storm to 26%, resistances to troops on 20%, rebound damage on 23%. I´m not fan of Improve tactics hrcrx and I do not use it. If you have Collision harm hrcrx use it especially against dodgers (remember dodger can not dodge collision harm), but it is not necessary here as Rebound damage works great against dodgers too.

8.      Trinkets: Do as you like, but I would recommend to obtain at least two top lanterns (Guo Jia and blockerof final bosses), the best three of them and make them into superlanterns. But top slotted is also good if made into superslotted. My Trinkets during thei nstance were three top superlanterns and two superslotted (one top, one+17+17) all polished to attack slots, giving me additional attack of 300 in average.

9.      Chariot: I would recommend lvl.4 Chariot for start with continuous forging during the instance. If you have level 5 or higher, it should be much easier for you.

10.  Trial tower test: I started Sun Ce instance at 15th stage of 9th floor and finally got him at the same stage of the same floor, but I think it should be possible to get Sun Ce once you went through stage 11 of 9th floor.

11.  Star atlas test : If you are able to pass Tai Shi Ci in Tiger map (Tiger 10 or 11 i dont remember precisely) you should be able to pass Sun Ce.

12.  Fostering: Guo Jia should have full foster bar in attack and troops, as for the rest of generals, the more the better. Nothing else to discuss here.

13.  Generals. I used Guo Jia, LuXun, Zhang Fei, Dian Wei, Zhou Yu, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao and Cai Wenji. The proper choice was usually made by terrain and type of troops. There is no city here, so you won´t need Zhou Tai and Lu Meng.

14.  Dragon Suit or troops equip. Remember Iron Fist works only if before Sun Ce use it (the first attack of row after clash damage), your troops number in attacking row are lower than his. Therefore it is easier to get him, if you won´t let him use Iron Fist by securing higher number of troops than he has. So,  Dragon suit is divine help and troops equip is good substitute for it.

15.  How to grow strong faster:A lot of players is surprised how fast my stats grow so I decide to share some of my thoughts on growing strong. First of all to be clear I recharge about 500 gold per month, at the moment I am VIP 7. I use gold (RC, daily login and sign in gold) only for raising bets on tournaments and for buy vouchers at max price 1 gold for 10 vouchers in server tournaments, supertournament and tourney. My attitude is that there is difference between getting higher lvl and being strong. Which means you can be strong as hell even if you are 5-8 lvl lower than your oponent. Therefore I prefer slow leveling which gives me time to grow strong. Now you have to understand there are independent and interdependent ways to grow strong. Growing by gem leveling is independent on any other ways (except of internal factors as if you use burnishing or not, in my opinion burnishing is great way to grow continuously and not by jumps). Therefore if you have Guild lvl. 5 you can grow faster independent of let´s say how many iron you get from reclamation. The same goes for (normal) refine and free trinket polish of Trinket. So you have a ways in which you can grow no mater how many vouchers, iron, soul or gold you have. Then you have interdependent ways which means you have to decide which way to take, as  strenghten one means stagnate in other. These are : Star Atlas, Foster, Chariot, Forge, Polish, Horcrux. Foster and StarAtlas depens on each other as both use Soul. But once your Foster is done, StarAtlas become independent; and Star atlas is a bit better improvement than foster therefore I usually foster general emphasizing attack and troops until half of bar, then doing Star Atlas. I foster again only while waiting for enough Starlight, trying to have enough souls for Star Atlas in the same moment as I have enough Starlight. Chariot, Forge, Polish and Horcrux are interdependent. I would suggest to strenghten them in this order. First Forge and polish until you have Rebound damage horcrux. For every special instance get 1-2 more levels of each resistance troops horcrux, Rebound damageand Storm. Buy Chariot as fast as you can. Once you have fully forged armamentand Rebound horcrux, concentrate on heightening Chariot. Chariot is definitely the fastest way to grow strong because for each forging of Chariot you get +1attack +1 defense and + 2 troops and for each level of Chariot you get +200 unreboundable damage to two rows of enemies. I recommend to get 2-3 more levels of Chariot for every special instance. As for trinkets, it depens only on vouchers and is interdependent with other equipment only through vouchers. You can polish trinkets once daily for free so with a little patience you have 2-3 slots of attack improvement. As I prefer high attack to other abilities, I polished all Trinkets to attack.

16.  Final tactic tip : the main problem is final bosses here has all some advantage (split, terrain negation, critical damage, dodge, enhancing capacity as units diminished, iron fist) combined with high troop numbers so your tactic against them should be reducing their numbers with Lu Xun skill, and then to kill them weakened by either some Force monster(Ma Chao) or splitter (Wenji, Zhang Fei). Lu Xun is also the best blocker of your bunch so place him always fourth.

Ready ? OK lets go for it.








Rank: 1

Post time 2016-3-4 00:18:22 |Show the author posts only
Edited by Corvinus at 2016-3-4 17:35

Stage 1
Ji Ling (Forest)

If you have tank on my level, all automatic. No need to switch auto off.

Formation (in order of appearance on battlefield) :

Arma full, Crystals : **, * lvl.7,**,**,*,*

1.        Guo Jia lvl. 108, Attack 6325, Defense 3122, Troops 121236, Storm 26%, Superlantern +23 +23
2.        Zhang Fei lvl. 98 Attack 6200, Defense 2871, Troops 117636, Resist Infantry 20% Superslotted +17 + 17
3.        Zhou Yu lvl. 104, Attack 6476, Defense 2878, Troops 116208, Resist Archers 20%, Superlantern +23 + 23
4.        Lu Xun lvl. 100, Attack 6239, Defense 2993, Troops 113412, Resist Cavalry 20%, Superslotted +18 +18
5.        Zhao Yun lvl. 81 Attack 6111, Defense 2757, Troops 105564, Rebound damage 23%, Superlantern +23 +23

I went through this on auto and Guo Jia reflected all NPCs. I was surprised by this as it was first try without any focus on horcrux distribution according to enemy troops. So I probably better design you suggested formation for this, if your tank reflect less than 4 NPC. That is : Guo Jia (storm), Zhou Yu (Resist Arch (RA)), Zhao Yun (anything else) Lu Xun (Resist Cavalry (RC)), Zhang Fei (Rebound Damage (RD)) or replace Zhang Fei with Ma Chao if Zhang Fei splitting is not enough to beat Ji Ling. The trick is as always in this instance Lu Xun blocks + skills final boss, damage dealer then do the rest.

Stage 2
Yuan Shu (Mountain)

If you have tank on my level, all automatic. No need to switch auto off. Tank reflected 4 NPC´s, if you are happier than me, it is definitely possible to reflect all NPC´s.

Formation (in order of appereance on battlefield) :

Arma full, Crystals : **, * lvl.7,**,**,*,*

1.        Guo Jia lvl. 108, Attack 6325, Defense 3122, Troops 121236, Storm 26%, Superlantern +23 +23
2.        Zhou Yu lvl. 104, Attack 6476, Defense 2878, Troops 116208, Resist Archers 20%, Superlantern +23 + 23
3.        Zhao Yun lvl. 81 Attack 6111, Defense 2758, Troops 105564, Rebound damage 23%, Superlantern +23 +23
4.        Lu Xun lvl. 100, Attack 6239, Defense 2993, Troops 113412, Resist Cavalry 20%, Superslotted +18 +18
5.        Zhang Fei lvl. 98 Attack 6200, Defense 2871, Troops 117636, Resist Infantry 20% Superslotted +17 + 17

The same as previous stage except of the fact I awaited stronger oponent. For those who have weaker tank as me here is what I suggest : Guo Jia (Storm) Zhou Yu (Resist Infantry (RI)), Zhao Yun or Ma Chao (anything you dont use on others), Lu Xun (RC), Zhang Fei (RD). The same trick, block and shoot into last row of 4th NPC or first row of Yuan Shu, then kill him with Zhang Fei.

Stage 3
Tai Shi Ci (Plains)

Still the same story. All automatic for me.  

Formation (in order of appereance on battlefield) :

Arma full, Crystals : **, * lvl.7,**,**,*,*

1.        Guo Jia lvl. 108, Attack 6325, Defense 3122, Troops 121236, Storm 26%, Superlantern +23 +23
2.        Zhang Fei lvl. 98 Attack 6200, Defense 2871, Troops 117636, Resist Infantry 20% Superslotted +17 + 17
3.        Zhou Yu lvl. 104, Attack 6476, Defense 2878, Troops 116208, Resist Archers 20%, Superlantern +23 + 23
4.        Lu Xun lvl. 100, Attack 6239, Defense 2993, Troops 113412, Resist Cavalry 20%, Superslotted +18 +18
5.        Zhao Yun lvl. 81 Attack 6111, Defense 2757, Troops 105564, Rebound damage 23%, Superlantern +23 +23

Here I reflected all NPC´s so it was easy victory. But sticking with suggested order you won´t be mistaken. If Zhang Fei is lame, switch him with Ma Chao.

Stage 4
Han Dang (Plains)

Still the same story. All automatic for me.  

Formation (in order of appearance on battlefield) :

Arma full, Crystals : **, * lvl.7,**,**,*,*

1.        Guo Jia lvl. 108, Attack 6325, Defense 3122, Troops 121236, Storm 26%, Superlantern +23 +23
2.        Zhang Fei lvl. 98 Attack 6200, Defense 2871, Troops 117636, Resist Infantry 20% Superslotted +17 + 17
3.        Zhou Yu lvl. 104, Attack 6476, Defense 2878, Troops 116208, Resist Archers 20%, Superlantern +23 + 23
4.        Lu Xun lvl. 100, Attack 6239, Defense 2993, Troops 113412, Resist Cavalry 20%, Superslotted +18 +18
5.        Zhao Yun lvl. 81 Attack 6111, Defense 2757, Troops 105564, Rebound damage 23%, Superlantern +23 +23

Here I reflected 4 NPC´s so it was piece of cake again. Stick with suggested order and maybe replace Zhang Fei with Ma Chao, if necessary.

Stage 5
Huang Gai (Water)

Automatic again.  

Formation (in order of appearance on battlefield) :

Arma full, Crystals : **, * lvl.7,**,**,*,*

1.        Guo Jia lvl. 108, Attack 6325, Defense 3122, Troops 121236, Storm 26%, Superlantern +23 +23
2.        Zhang Fei lvl. 98 Attack 6200, Defense 2871, Troops 117636, Resist Infantry 20% Superslotted +17 + 17
3.        Zhou Yu lvl. 104, Attack 6476, Defense 2878, Troops 116208, Resist Archers 20%, Superlantern +23 + 23
4.        Lu Xun lvl. 100, Attack 6239, Defense 2993, Troops 113412, Resist Cavalry 20%, Superslotted +18 +18
5.        Cai Wenji lvl. 97 Attack 6258, Defense 2845, Troops 111240, Rebound damage 23%, Superlantern +23 +23

Another easy victory by reflecting 4 NPCs. Stick with suggested order and if you don’t have Cai Wenji, use Ma Chao. As for horcrux distribution in case you reflect only 2-3 NPC´s I would suggest Storm for Guo Jia, RC for Zhang Fei, RA for Zhou Yu, RD for Wenji and anything else for Lu Xun as his mission is only to set Huang Gai on fire and block him.  








Rank: 1

Post time 2016-3-4 00:18:55 |Show the author posts only
Edited by Corvinus at 2016-3-7 17:52

Stage 6
Cheng Pu (Water)

Automatic again.  

Formation (in order of appearance on battlefield) :

Arma full, Crystals : **, * lvl.7,**,**,*,*

1.        Guo Jia lvl. 108, Attack 6325, Defense 3122, Troops 121236, Storm 26%, Superlantern +23 +23
2.        Zhang Fei lvl. 98 Attack 6200, Defense 2871, Troops 117636, Resist Infantry 20% Superslotted +17 + 17
3.        Zhou Yu lvl. 104, Attack 6476, Defense 2878, Troops 116208, Resist Archers 20%, Superlantern +23 + 23
4.        Lu Xun lvl. 100, Attack 6239, Defense 2993, Troops 113412, Resist Cavalry 20%, Superslotted +18 +18
5.        Cai Wenji lvl. 97 Attack 6258, Defense 2845, Troops 111240, Rebound damage 23%, Superlantern +23 +23

Boring automatic victory by reflecting 4 NPCs. Stick with suggested formation and horcrux distribution and if you don’t have Cai Wenji, use Ma Chao.

Stage 7
Xiao Qiao (Water)

Automatic again.  

Formation (in order of appearance on battlefield) :

Arma full, Crystals : **, * lvl.7,**,**,*,*

1.        Guo Jia lvl. 108, Attack 6325, Defense 3122, Troops 121236, Storm 26%, Superlantern +23 +23
2.        Zhang Fei lvl. 98 Attack 6200, Defense 2871, Troops 117636, Resist Infantry 20% Superslotted +17 + 17
3.        Zhou Yu lvl. 104, Attack 6476, Defense 2878, Troops 116208, Resist Archers 20%, Superlantern +23 + 23
4.        Lu Xun lvl. 100, Attack 6239, Defense 2993, Troops 113412, Resist Cavalry 20%, Superslotted +18 +18
5.        Cai Wenji lvl. 97 Attack 6258, Defense 2845, Troops 111240, Rebound damage 23%, Superlantern +23 +23

Boring automatic victory by reflecting 4 NPCs. Stick with suggested formation.   Use RA for Zhang Fei, RC for Zhou Yu, Resist mechanic (RM) for Lu Xun and RD for Wenji/Ma Chao.

Stage 8
Zhou Yu (Plains)

Guess what …  

Formation (in order of appearance on battlefield) :

Arma full, Crystals : **, * lvl.7,**,**,*,*

1.        Guo Jia lvl. 108, Attack 6325, Defense 3122, Troops 121236, Storm 26%, Superlantern +23 +23
2.        Zhang Fei lvl. 98 Attack 6200, Defense 2871, Troops 117636, Resist Infantry 20% Superslotted +17 + 17
3.        Zhou Yu lvl. 104, Attack 6476, Defense 2878, Troops 116208, Resist Archers 20%, Superlantern +23 + 23
4.        Lu Xun lvl. 100, Attack 6239, Defense 2993, Troops 113412, Resist Cavalry 20%, Superslotted +18 +18
5.        Zhao Yun lvl. 81 Attack 6111, Defense 2757, Troops 105564, Rebound damage 23%, Superlantern +23 +23

Here I reflected 3 NPC´s yet still first try first pass. Zhou Yu is splitter in this stage therefore I placed dodger for last place. Stick with suggested order and maybe replace Zhang Fei with Ma Chao, if necessary. Even if you can not reflect more than 2-3 NPCs use hrcrx distribution as suggested as it copies troops type of the stage.

Stage 9
Da Xiao (Plains)

Guess what … I lost here two times.

Formation (in order of appearance on battlefield) :

Arma full, Crystals : **, * lvl.7,**,**,*,*

1.        Guo Jia lvl. 108, Attack 6325, Defense 3122, Troops 121236, Storm 26%, Superlantern +23 +23
2.        Zhang Fei lvl. 98 Attack 6200, Defense 2871, Troops 117636, Resist Cavalry 20% Superslotted +17 + 17
3.        Zhou Yu lvl. 104, Attack 6476, Defense 2878, Troops 116208, Resist Archers 20%, Superlantern +23 + 23
4.        Lu Xun lvl. 100, Attack 6239, Defense 2993, Troops 113412, Resist Infantry 20%, Superslotted +18 +18
5.        Zhao Yun lvl. 81 Attack 6111, Defense 2757, Troops 105564, Rebound damage 23%, Superlantern +23 +23

Here I reflected 3 NPC´s and underestimated lady´s dodge ability, chaos effect of her skill (3 rows only however) and hardness of her fourth guard. The main trick is successfully hit her with Lu Xun´s skill, block and kill at least one of  her rows. Then all the rules for fighting dodger as do as many clash damage as possible so use Plains Assault whenever it is possible (don´t forget this one has Plains Assault too). If you are lucky your Zhao Yun will miss less than the lady. Stick with suggested order and maybe replace Zhang Fei with Ma Chao or Zhao Yun (Ma Chao will be last then) as this stage has only terrain enemies. Even if you can not reflect more than 2 NPCs use suggested horcrux distribution or switch RC to Zhou Yu and RA to Zhang Fei (he is not that good blocker so maybe Zhou Yu using RC for two cavalry terrain opponent is better choice).

Stage 10
Sun Ce (Plains)

I lost here two times too.

Formation (in order of appearance on battlefield) :

Arma full, Crystals : **, * lvl.7,**,**,*,*

1.        Guo Jia lvl. 108, Attack 6325, Defense 3122, Troops 121236, Storm 26%, Superlantern +23 +23
2.        Ma Chao lvl. 100 Attack 6280, Defense 2947, Troops 115436, Resist Archers 20% Superlantern +23 + 23
3.        Dian Wei  lvl. 101, Attack 6205, Defense 2851, Troops 110064, Rebound Damage 23%, Superlantern +23 + 23
4.        Lu Xun lvl. 100, Attack 6239, Defense 2993, Troops 113412, Resist Cavalry 20%, Superslotted +18 +18
5.        Zhang Fei lvl. 98 Attack 6125, Defense 2871, Troops 144444 (Dragon Suit), Resist Infantry 20% Superslotted +17 + 17

Although I reflect easily 4 NPC´s I lost two times due to use Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun instead of Dian Wei and Ma Chao so only non terrain generals should be Lu Xun and Guo Jia. If you are not able to reflect three NPC´s its better to think about replacing Guo Jia with Xu Chu and pray for block as he can do more damage. The most important thing is to give Zhang Fei as many troops as possible; the best choice is Dragon Suit, but you can replace even unnecessary equip with Troops equip. Remember Iron Fist of Sun Ce works only if after collision damage Sun Ce has more troops than your actual row.

Fourth general is hard bastard and splitter so you will use at least two generals to beat him, therefore I placed rebound damage horcrux on Dian Wei.

So after your tank (whichever you use) is broken, Ma Chao kills third NPC (if you reflect/block three NPCs) and die by fourth NPC´s skill or at least half of fourth NPC (if you reflected four NPCs) then Dian Wei kills one and half row, shoots Fight from last row to hit three rows of Sun Ce and dies, Lu Xun doesn´t have to block, only works as firestarter. Then he kills one row of Sun Ce and dies from Iron Fist. Now it is necessary to have good timing with Zhang Fei, as first line simply MUST have more troops as the line of Sun Ce with which he will collide.  Postpone Zhang Fei skill if necessary but Zhang Fei must split to second row so that at least his next row has more troops as next row of Sun Ce. This tactic combined with Lu Xun´s  fire will provide you effective defense against Iron Fist.

..and if you were successful then simply …

… have fun with your new pet.








Rank: 1

Post time 2016-7-22 13:56:31 |Show the author posts only
if u use full immu on guo jia, how come gua jia attack and troops are so high? can u explain it to me?








Rank: 1

Post time 2016-7-22 14:08:51 |Show the author posts only
KILLERZ replied at 2016-7-22 13:56
if u use full immu on guo jia, how come gua jia attack and troops are so high? can u explain it to m ...

Look at his Arma, chariot, superlantern, fostering and star atlas.








Rank: 1

Post time 2016-7-22 14:10:27 |Show the author posts only
KILLERZ replied at 2016-7-22 13:56
if u use full immu on guo jia, how come gua jia attack and troops are so high? can u explain it to m ...

Full foster attack (+585) + troops (+936), Star atlas Tiger 1 (dragon 1 + tiger 1 = +225 attack, dragon 5 + dragon 12 = +300 troops), Trinket superlantern with approx. +300 attack, chariot attack +617 troops +1234, liegemen attack +644 troops +1284. polish full on attack arma, The rest is gems.

These are my stats for Guo Jia now, without Liu Bei I have attack approx. 7100, with him 7818.

But when I did this one, I had lower level of chariot (cca 250 attack less) and lower lvl of fostering (5 per level e.g. approx 45 attack less) and I had lower crystals ( now I have ***,**lvl3,**,**,**,**).








Rank: 1

Post time 2016-7-22 16:54:23 |Show the author posts only
wtf, that is a monster stat....








Rank: 1

Post time 2016-7-22 17:06:10 |Show the author posts only
KILLERZ replied at 2016-7-22 16:54
wtf, that is a monster stat....

That´s why I wrote general tip No. 15 - it´s long term preparation for each special instance.








Rank: 1

Post time 2016-7-22 17:15:31 |Show the author posts only
Edited by FanofBabes at 2016-7-22 17:29


Just got my SunCe yesterday, tried SunCe instance for fun.
Stages before Daqiao all 1 try and pass @ Lv123, SunCe stage 1 try pass @ Lv126..
Daqiao stage 123-126 every lvl tried once.
Lv126 with 2 +23 Lantern on Z.Yun(Divine Suit) and Awaken Z.Fei (Tiger suit)
The rest of my gens are wearing +15 Jades, Z.Yu / S.Xiang / Luxun (Dragon suit) .
Top arm - 126, Btm arms - 75
30 stars, Storm - 22%, Tactic Collision - 16%, Rebound - 25%, Resist all 12%.
Star Atlas all Dragon 7.
I think Daqiao stage is the toughest the rest are alright.








Rank: 1

Post time 2016-7-22 17:28:30 |Show the author posts only
Corvinus replied at 2016-7-22 17:06
That´s why I wrote general tip No. 15 - it´s long term preparation for each special instance.

its really hard to up star atlas coz trial tower getting harder floor by floor... so, have to wait for sweeping... now i'm on sunce stage. but can't win... so hard... sigh... maybe i will try to follow your tips no 15...
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