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how to get skill block rate +12% for hero. engsiong 2017-10-18 11117 liandyvu 2017-10-19 11:15
Suspicious GM ids, around the servers tmithedgar 2017-10-11 31679 Xielim 2017-10-14 22:59
SPecial dédicace to Temmy servor 44 Tcottulysse 2017-10-12 11305 Tcottulysse 2017-10-12 14:12
Please merge S72/S74 with other server  ...2 real 2017-8-13 173985 ZhugeJedi 2017-10-12 00:33
request merge from wei73  ...2 quicklves 2017-10-5 113211 BullMonro 2017-10-11 19:09
MERGER S34  ...23 BeeSting 2017-7-9 225223 Johnson888 2017-10-6 15:15
Two version behind feidou Tcottulysse 2017-8-8 31972 Aptknack 2017-10-6 08:42
RIP KlubMoore aka Jimmy Bennard attach_img benink 2017-10-5 21227 CharlesLua 2017-10-5 22:01
When we will get game update? LeaveIt 2017-10-3 22208 Tcottulysse 2017-10-5 15:04
heoko.from s665 Heoko 2017-9-30 11128 KACONG 2017-10-1 21:06
S39 wu using BOTS Angielau123 2017-9-22 41335 landmorti 2017-9-26 22:38
for Game Master Ryansusanto 2017-9-15 11465 Jeff888loh 2017-9-15 14:08
Help me please.... Younk 2017-9-10 01008 Younk 2017-9-10 14:04
Awaken Z yun, Awaken Sun ce or Awaken Jiang Wei Hendy_wizard 2017-8-3 63017 g1oria 2017-9-9 00:03
Caocao hero card Tcottulysse 2017-9-4 11425 GAHC 2017-9-6 14:32
S63-S66 Baskom 2017-6-18 21558 jooex 2017-8-31 14:50
ID For Sale Putraaditya 2017-8-23 42189 Elizabeth2000 2017-8-27 21:46
Awaken jiang wei ZhugeJedi 2017-8-26 52163 Elizabeth2000 2017-8-27 21:44
Who wanna play thing game using BOT program? yayaya 2017-8-3 41863 Mc`Dohl 2017-8-25 11:22
ali Heoko 2017-8-20 01215 Heoko 2017-8-20 19:07

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