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Imbalance in the game attach_img SMJr 2015-5-21 92327 COTK-Chen 2015-5-21 12:32
merger s30 with s29,s28,s27 exoticzzs30 2015-5-20 11613 COTK-Chen 2015-5-21 11:55
Level 5 unit how to get it? Sbs 2015-5-1 52484 dzr. 2015-5-21 11:16
please do your homework before you merge kirkmaiden 2015-5-19 61899 zachy 2015-5-20 14:24
fucking tourney  ...2 12jk 2015-5-14 124606 IwanSudjatmiko 2015-5-20 09:15
S28 and s25 merger  ...2 Miller 2015-5-19 134154 saangAnwar 2015-5-20 01:58
why s27 skip merger ginbiui 2015-5-19 11455 12jk 2015-5-19 20:00
how to defeat j.xu in g.jia ins 12jk 2015-5-19 21883 ukaman87 2015-5-19 14:00
is it true that cheater will not be banned using fake gold as long as no one Sel 2015-5-19 31822 COTK-Chen 2015-5-19 13:49
Super hard to log in nowadays LaSer 2015-5-12 82147 COTK-Chen 2015-5-19 12:19
Clones clones clones F off Hawkx 2015-5-18 92761 COTK-Chen 2015-5-19 10:16
MANY REASON TO QUIT THIS GAME  ...2 AdythiaDS 2015-4-24 165495 H3NGKY 2015-5-18 23:29
[Strategy][S7.S&M14]Easily defeating ZhouYu SMJr 2015-5-18 03617 SMJr 2015-5-18 14:20
[Stategy] [S25. HenryEugen] Easyly defeating Zhou Yu LCS 2015-5-17 33281 COTK-Chen 2015-5-18 13:55
FOR GM 12jk 2015-5-17 81955 COTK-Chen 2015-5-18 13:51
i cannot login lijianjun 2015-5-15 21648 COTK-Chen 2015-5-18 13:36
S29 - GM Please Merge  ...2 backevan 2015-5-9 144178 COTK-Chen 2015-5-18 13:33
Keep playing after deleting FB MichaelKalahari 2015-2-28 31736 COTK-Chen 2015-5-18 13:26
need help 12jk 2015-5-15 41493 FockYerDodder 2015-5-18 04:04
S26 WU is Dead attach_img  ...23456 Frosty 2015-4-28 5614495 FockYerDodder 2015-5-18 04:02

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