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Clash Of Kingdoms Tips to be the best Draven 2014-1-20 83682 W.W.P.P 2014-2-12 11:20
In game gold test 2014-2-4 32723 W.W.P.P 2014-2-12 11:19
VIP Privilege attach_img  ...2 Iridescent 2014-1-22 116697 W.W.P.P 2014-2-12 09:51
I need code Qndylau 2014-1-23 32832 Aizen 2014-2-9 02:29
IGN : akiongmega S21 Wu akiongjojo 2016-2-1 42767 kelvinzz 2014-2-3 12:13
IGN : Cantiq S48 SHU  ...2 CantiQ 2016-2-1 135805 Xixi778 2014-2-3 11:49
why u locked me CantiQ 2016-1-31 62671 Fox 2014-2-3 11:43
What is Lead & Force ChompChomp 2014-2-1 13162 Benromario 2014-2-2 00:11
Accelerate fuzgen 2013-12-27 22849 Dorji 2014-1-21 19:01
what is armament? akuadi 2013-12-11 33609 DarkOne 2014-1-14 01:46
Civillian 丈嘉 2014-1-1 12819 DarkOne 2014-1-9 07:01
how to win contest with this mentality? attach_img hidec 2015-11-27 52381 ChrisLim 2013-11-27 12:06
Sell ID COTK WU Lv 114 VIP7 Server 16 Evil Spear BigBlade 2015-11-12 12391 ukaman87 2013-11-12 13:01
count your total exp based on total troop  ...2 Lim 2015-10-5 136521 SteelBarr 2013-11-12 11:25
COTK Top grossing drop from rank 3rd to 27th.  ...2 .007. 2015-10-3 156574 Lim 2013-10-6 10:32
What is Heyshell's policy regarding RC??? attach_img  ...2 juiboy 2015-8-21 177395 bibon 2013-8-24 10:12
Polls Killing Chest Trinket  ...2 EDs 2014-6-12 1313568 FockYerDodder 2013-5-27 13:33
As many players crossing all servers, we ask to drop gold prices attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..14 WarzS8 2015-4-13 13641653 Pizza 2013-5-4 19:33
Vip12 no rc daily prove attach_img  ...2345 Blurguy 2015-4-14 4219144 Blurguy 2013-4-24 16:52
The other way to get D.Wei/Dian Wei instance (Vendetta.s21)  ...2 vendetta 2014-12-28 1612355 Benji07 2013-4-16 11:35

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