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Author Replies Last post
Refine odds Karen 2015-8-5 31705 Karen 2015-8-6 19:08
20 k voucher, go S-slotted or normal Lantern better?  ...2 Pone 2015-8-4 104347 Pone 2015-8-6 07:43
GM please Get the RO to food ratio right rayray1214 2015-8-5 31654 junieeeeee 2015-8-5 22:17
Shadows tjin 2015-8-5 11481 COTK-Chen 2015-8-5 16:18
fake rc on s34 wei attach_img G.khan 2015-8-4 11713 COTK-Chen 2015-8-5 10:24
What is ultimate refine? rayray1214 2015-8-4 31989 BlueFire 2015-8-4 14:44
Merge s25  ...234 Franky 2015-7-29 369905 Franky 2015-8-4 00:46
Recruit Hero in war  ...2 rayray1214 2015-8-1 164317 BlueFire 2015-8-3 15:31
Country event Seowseow 2015-7-31 11550 COTK-Chen 2015-8-3 11:23
S30 wei clones shown attach_img youyou 2015-7-13 61946 .007. 2015-8-1 10:45
gm.... give me one harm in token plz T.T SaTelLiZeR 2015-7-30 41687 Red225 2015-7-31 22:31
A friend got hack Fifty 2015-7-28 31731 Destroyer 2015-7-31 18:28
New bie-where my soul sealed Heo 2015-7-30 21581 BlueFire 2015-7-30 18:29
Help at Guo Jia map Jia Xu google 2015-7-29 32192 Hishigi 2015-7-29 22:11
AUTO FIGHT VS AUTO ROUTE Marcellino 2015-7-28 11664 COTK-Chen 2015-7-29 12:27
Thank U mikea12 2015-7-29 11564 SteelBarr 2015-7-29 03:59
Liegeman and initiative bug? Lazycrazy 2015-7-28 62048 \o/ 2015-7-29 00:06
Food problem Ghandiwi 2015-7-27 21579 leodc611 2015-7-28 22:27
Someone hack my friends id. poem 2015-7-28 41699 COTK-Chen 2015-7-28 11:41
MORE RECRUIT ORDER IN KILLING CHEST N DAILY RO FOR VIP 2 Wumin 2015-7-25 92554 COTK-Chen 2015-7-28 10:49

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