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Awaken X.H. DUn MSMS 2017-3-1 21492 Corvinus 2017-3-1 14:52
Polls GM merge S7 and S1 with S3.. attach_img  ...23456 Lim 2015-10-2 5426136 Salam 2017-2-28 12:24
C.Attack ZhugeJedi 2017-2-26 31432 ZhugeJedi 2017-2-27 08:29
Guo Jia and Skill Attack ZhugeJedi 2017-2-26 11402 Stelumvict 2017-2-26 23:19
just Pass Sunce again With 6immu JianYi 2015-8-27 94923 ares 2017-2-26 12:28
Lost my gear arif123 2017-2-25 01086 arif123 2017-2-25 09:16
Lag. Slow response from game Imadude 2017-2-23 11204 ganan 2017-2-23 15:26
Patron - Skill block rate Mercury 2016-11-29 62436 Armweak 2017-2-22 22:09
lost password Jester1212 2016-5-24 91928 maryking 2017-2-15 11:42
Strategy of defeating Sun Ce with Guo Jia tank attach_img  ...2 Corvinus 2016-3-4 177217 Koandres 2017-2-15 10:51
When do u DEFEND? ZhugeJedi 2017-1-25 21611 ZhugeJedi 2017-2-9 10:05
Hero Missing From Game: Zhong Hui ChrisLim 2017-1-24 72083 Anti-COTK-Chen 2017-1-25 11:39
when s34 MERGER??? Dropl3t 2017-1-17 82160 Anti-COTK-Chen 2017-1-23 07:38
why s12 wu reclaimation have a super high % of getting woods stonemanlz 2017-1-20 11421 Anti-COTK-Chen 2017-1-20 23:21
SAVE SHU S1 MERGE US WITH S12!!! attach_img  ...23456..10 geheheth 2016-5-24 9928396 Chiyo22 2017-1-19 18:23
Why is S49 got merge with S38???!!!! Ridiculous!!!!!  ...2345 阿修罗 2016-4-27 4612133 Franco 2017-1-19 08:11
When launch resouce war agaiin? Johnnyjo007 2017-1-18 31554 Franco 2017-1-19 08:10
bonus 8% denymul 2017-1-16 01360 denymul 2017-1-16 20:33
You put in to clear out fast fifa 17 coins delivery fifa17sara 2017-1-9 11400 denymul 2017-1-16 20:24
RUMOR OF ZUO CI AWAKEN attach_img  ...2 Salam 2017-1-12 134483 Salam 2017-1-16 15:50

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