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Author Replies Last post
Polls how to use Vouchers porko 2015-4-28 22867 FockYerDodder 2016-4-26 22:59
S50 SHU CLONES attach_img  ...2 Jucjuc 2016-4-22 153728 hoho 2016-4-25 11:51
Best awakening hero  ...2 Joxt 2016-3-31 167004 FockYerDodder 2016-4-25 06:51
Please s45 need insurrection event MightyMen12 2016-4-24 01313 MightyMen12 2016-4-24 03:19
RC but points didnt show up! urgent actions required KM™ 2016-4-22 01294 KM™ 2016-4-22 16:47
GM WHY BAN MY ID :) attach_img  ...2 Ozai 2016-4-20 134079 Vaynard 2016-4-22 12:09
Bugs Hyw 2016-4-22 11403 COTK-Chen 2016-4-22 10:54
This guy deleted ur accounts attach_img  ...2345 bryan540 2016-4-12 4712038 Birdwarne 2016-4-21 17:46
How to play with many clones  ...2 Xixi778 2016-4-2 184978 Whalr 2016-4-20 23:29
Polls which lord is the best to buy first Amanda 2016-4-6 73624 Evangeline 2016-4-20 09:41
Names Clones Wei S52 attach_img  ...2 mulyanas 2016-3-24 145146 Skuele 2016-4-19 21:22
Trinket skills CC07 2016-4-17 11653 Afrooo 2016-4-17 18:57
Wu S37 so many ID comeback again or bot system?? Vaynard 2016-4-14 61464 Vaynard 2016-4-17 17:13
Golds bhadzki 2016-4-17 01193 bhadzki 2016-4-17 16:50
S52 IS INSANE !! SmartNixon 2016-3-15 31905 hark 2016-4-14 16:54
Shu s52 Losser Awang 2016-3-28 11446 Doe 2016-4-13 19:54
S52 SWARMED BY CLONE SmartNixon 2016-3-8 82152 Doe 2016-4-13 19:52
how idiot player from s31 give id and password RedMetal 2016-4-13 31606 bryan540 2016-4-13 12:41
open new server every month? RedMetal 2016-4-12 11301 FockYerDodder 2016-4-12 21:52
DONT RECEIVE EVENT WHEEL PACKAGE !!! MamakMu 2016-4-11 51802 WangLieHom 2016-4-11 23:50

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