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Author Replies Last post
need guard city more powerfull IwanSudjatmiko 2016-2-23 41972 redz225 2016-2-25 13:56
rank 15 attacking rank7 in arena Ilidio777 2016-2-24 81984 IwanSudjatmiko 2016-2-25 10:53
Merger s44 attach_img shahin 2016-2-23 62089 Tcottulysse 2016-2-24 09:20
#Save COTK  ...2 #AntiClones 2016-2-21 124203 #AntiClones 2016-2-24 00:28
game fairness (clnes, bot, etc..) attach_img  ...2 cutie44 2016-2-21 103975 DirtyShu.v2 2016-2-23 23:15
Suit add init Sbs 2016-2-22 51944 Corvinus 2016-2-23 18:03
dear gm attach_img kaarage 2016-2-19 51850 shahin 2016-2-23 14:48
Dear GM why my account can't log in almost 3 week my account not a clone KuvanArvin 2016-2-19 51861 COTK-EllE 2016-2-22 15:45
Human vs Clone in S49  ...23456 ~美人计~ 2016-1-30 5914425 roxii 2016-2-21 21:34
awaiting GM. pls dont ignore and sweep under carpet attach_img  ...2 evefie 2016-2-11 114296 Afrooo 2016-2-19 17:12
GM you missed this one on S7 attach_img MaChau 2016-2-19 11476 booboo 2016-2-19 13:54
Gm Chen pls check this player from Shu s37 attach_img  ...2345 ihateclone 2016-1-27 4010920 3fung 2016-2-19 06:15
GM COTK , you know why your event always have less participate?  ...2 JianYi 2016-1-31 124261 3fung 2016-2-19 06:13
Dear respected GM, server s44 going to die.... actually it's already die.... ... attach_img  ...2345 shahin 2016-1-24 4911418 3fung 2016-2-19 06:10
trinket full attribute Kheroh_chen 2015-6-26 52236 Corvinus 2016-2-18 05:37
My 2cents Disciple 2016-2-14 41784 COTK-Chen 2016-2-16 14:44
My account Fox 2016-2-16 11379 COTK-EllE 2016-2-16 14:29
CAN NOT LOGIN ALMOST 2 WEEKS Hermit2 2016-2-11 51805 COTK-Chen 2016-2-15 17:50
Buy from best deal but dont get it the stuff Bruiser 2016-2-12 51803 fancyp4nts 2016-2-14 23:14
why my account locked Pluto 2016-1-30 61683 dieucay555 2016-2-12 15:50

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