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Global Chat iwin 2013-12-28 22963 Mochan 2014-1-9 17:11
is the game will be available on android? Kevinarthur097 2014-1-4 12883 Mochan 2014-1-9 16:56
List of technologies LordCaoCao 2014-1-9 02633 LordCaoCao 2014-1-9 09:02
Forging Extra points to next level LordCaoCao 2014-1-8 02631 LordCaoCao 2014-1-8 13:16
Moving to another faction DarkOne 2014-1-8 02773 DarkOne 2014-1-8 04:48
More Heroes ? 新人帖 Hakase 2013-11-15 59158 Tamerlane 2014-1-5 23:41
hour reward akuadi 2013-12-30 02819 akuadi 2013-12-30 12:11
Shadow should has a limit! kangoroe 2013-12-26 02876 kangoroe 2013-12-26 11:13
Help with English Stikk 2013-12-23 02863 Stikk 2013-12-23 14:58
Web/PC Stikk 2013-12-23 03102 Stikk 2013-12-23 14:54
Transaction... 新人帖 mantaphouse 2013-12-1 13121 kangoroe 2013-12-1 17:57
VIP Bonus gary88reyes 2015-4-27 02513 gary88reyes 2013-4-27 19:14
VIP bonus  ...2 gary88reyes 2015-4-13 147096 gary88reyes 2013-4-24 17:48
the truth heyshell team revealed part 2 ry4i7 2015-4-15 02464 ry4i7 2013-4-16 11:09
Sell ID,tired of heyshell "talking truth" don't moderate down part 3 ry4i7 2015-4-15 02661 ry4i7 2013-4-16 11:03
the truth heyshell team revealed ry4i7 2015-4-14 02473 ry4i7 2013-4-15 18:45
Sell ID,tired of heyshell "talking truth" don't moderate down part 2 ry4i7 2015-4-14 02782 ry4i7 2013-4-15 18:45
Sell ID, tired of heyshell service "talking truth" don't moderate down ry4i7 2015-4-4 12841 Celeste 2013-4-7 11:41
this game is great ,the team behind it sucks ry4i7 2015-3-27 02742 ry4i7 2013-4-3 11:34
FUCKING ID FOR SALE BECAUSE OF FUCKING HEYSHELL  ...2 ry4i7 2015-3-19 127378 ry4i7 2013-4-1 12:13

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